PrimoCache 4.4.1 Final | Desktop Edition | Server Edition

PrimoCache is a supplementary software caching scheme that cooperates with physical memory, solid-state drives (SSDs) and flash drives to provide data caching for local physical disks. It transparently stores disk data into fast cache devices such as physical memory, so that future read requests for those data will be served directly from the cache and be faster. Thus access time will be reduced, showing a great improvement in overall system performance.

What Can You Do With It?
  • If you have 4GB or more memory, you can use a portion of the memory as cache to accelerate local disks, including mechanical disks, SSDs and flash drives, and iSCSI disks.
  • If you have memory not seen by Windows, usually in 32-bit Windows, you can use this hidden memory as cache to accelerate local disks and iSCSI disks.
  • If you have a SSD and a mechanical disk on your system, you are able to partition a portion or all of this SSD as cache to accelerate the mechanical disk.
  • If you have a spare USB 3.0 flash drive, you can use it as cache to accelerate your mechanical disks.

PrimoCache In Detail
PrimoCache implements a two-level caching architecture consisting of level-1 cache and level-2 cache. Level-1 cache, also called primary cache, is composed of physical memory. Level-2 cache is a secondary cache which typically resides on a solid-state drive, a flash drive or other fast persistent storage device. Obviously level-1 cache runs much faster than level-2 cache, although it is usually much smaller. PrimoCache allows a single level cache configuration using either level-1 cache or level-2 cache, as well as a two-level cache configuration using both levels of cache. Unlike level-1 cache which cannot keep cache contents on reboot, level-2 cache is able to retain its cache contents across computer reboots because of the persistent nature of storage devices. This avoids fetching often-accessed data again from slow disks each time computer boots up. Thus level-2 cache will remarkably reduce boot-up time and speed up applications for those computers which install mechanical hard disks. PrimoCache also supports write-deferred caching mode, which executes write requests on the cache first and synchronizes data from the cache to the disk after custom delays. Therefore write requests can be responded and completed very fast, greatly improving the disk write performance. In addition, PrimoCache implements the Unified Invisible Memory Management Interface (UIMMI), which can use Invisible Memory as level-1 cache. Invisible Memory, also known as Unmanaged Memory, usually exists on 32-bit desktop Windows where 4GB or more physical memory is installed. This feature helps to overcome the Windows limits on amount of system memory and fully utilize all installed physical memory. PrimoCache fulfills an intelligent cache replacement algorithm which optimally determines cache blocks needed to be discarded to make room for new data when cache space is full. This cache algorithm combines two normal algorithms which are Least Frequently Used (LFU) and Least Recently Used (LRU), and provides a better cache hit ratio. It is self-tuning and requires no user-specified parameters. PrimoCache allows multiple cache strategies and flexible configurations. It is implemented in Windows kernel level and is transparent to other applications. Therefore no application or system changes are required for this caching solution. With PrimoCache, you can easily setup caches for local disks and speed up your computers.

  • Supports physical memory, solid-state drives and flash drives as cache storage.
  • Implements a two-level caching architecture.
  • Supports persistent level-2 caching.
  • Supports Write-Through and Write-Deferred caching modes.
  • Supports TRIM command.
  • Supports OS Invisible Memory.
  • Supports pre-fetching data into cache.
  • Implements an intelligent and self-tuning cache replacement algorithm.
  • Supports caching strategies: Read/Write Caching, Read-Only Caching and Write-Only Caching.
  • Supports performance statistics and monitor.
  • Supports caching for multiple volumes
  • Supports caching for volumes with proprietary file system.
  • Supports caching for volumes on basic and dynamic disks.
  • Supports plug and play.
  • Supports command-line interface.

Why PrimoCache?
Why do we need PrimoCache since Windows has already implemented a file-system level cache?
  • PrimoCache is a block-level cache program which caches data on a logical block basis (offsets within a disk), while windows cache is a file-system level program which caches on a virtual block basis (offsets within a file). Each has strengths and weaknesses, and PrimoCache can be a good supplement to Windows cache.
  • Some applications can bypass Windows cache but cannot bypass PrimoCache because PrimoCache runs at a lower level in Windows.
  • Windows caches all data, while PrimoCache can cache on behalf of a specified volume in which users are interested. Given same size of system memory, the latter has a higher hit-rate.
  • PrimoCache supports persistent SSD caching for mechanical hard disks, improving system boot-up time and applications loading time. Windows cache cannot.
  • PrimoCache can customize write-deferred mode, while Windows cache cannot.
  • PrimoCache can make use of Invisible Memory on 32-bit Windows as cache, overcoming the Windows limits on amount of system memory.

How to use Bundle Trial Reset


Changelog Trial Reset v4.1.0
  • Instead of symbolic links in the file system for token files, a trick with hard links is used (short names on the system volume are automatically included);
  • Permanent symbolic links in the registry are no longer used, only temporary (located in RAM and valid only until reboot);
  • Disabling the Primo Ramdisk driver for the first time using the Trial Reset and the next two reboots is no longer required.
  • Anti-virus alarms are false positive;
  • Don't forget to uninstall all previous versions of Trial Reset!


Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG / Русификатор
Medicine: Romex Software: Trial Reset by Levvon v4.1.0 build 31721 (DC 13.11.21) -FAQ / Cracked (& signed) Driver (only for v4.3.0) by Juno_Jr / Darkhorse1870 / hua_wuxin (DC 05.11.2023) — Changelog/ Universal bat file PCacheInstall v0.0.4 by westlife (Description) DC 29.11.2024
Size: 3,31 MB.
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Reasons for raising the release: Added RUS language


does anyone have any licence file to activate it peranently?

Dimar0n, can you upload previous versions of the medicine?

Last version worked for me after changing some file path & registry path in the BAT file, but current version doesn't work for me.

Sorry, but didn't notice your comment earlier. Here's a link
Hello, I need this program to make a very old pc usable by adding a modest ssd. I did not understand which patch I need to download nor the procedure to activate it. can someone help me? thank you.
Download the latest version 4.2.0 and TrialReset. Install the program and without rebooting the PC copy it to the folder with the installed TrialReset program. Run it, read (preferably!) the contents and click OK. Reboot your PC, launch the program and configure PrimoCache to your preference. Write me here about the result. If you liked the program, you can share this release in your social network…
so i just have to copy the executable «romexstr» in c/program files/primocache and run it and reboot? thank you.
Yes. It will create a task to reset the trial period and in this way you will always have 30 days!
Comment edited: 16 January 2022, 14:32
It works very well. Many thanks
It works,thank you very much!
This information about the crack may interest you as well (translated by Google, from
Let's start with the fact that the protection of the program is implemented in an extremely original way in the rxfcv.sys driver.

The trial expiration check is located in the encrypted CPATA section, and the registration key check is in the packed EXTRA section.

At the same time, the integrity of some sections of the rxfcv.sys driver is fully or partially controlled by the driver itself.

Therefore, any attempts to solve the problem of registering the program with the help of patches of the FancyCcV.exe and rxpcc.exe files are useless.


Many will probably have a reasonable question — why then do we need these modified files?

The fact is that they are not intended to solve the problem of registration, but to solve one important problem of the trial.


The rxfcv.sys file is a filter driver for Volume class devices.

For this reason, he cannot stop working at an arbitrary point in time or upon the expiration of the trial.

Removing the rxfcv.sys driver from the LowerFilters chain requires a restart or shutdown of the computer.

If, after the first reboot after installing PrimoCache, you no longer restart or turn off the computer, then we have an endless trial.

More precisely, a conditionally infinite trial with the limitations described below and exactly until the next reboot, power off or power failure.


In the light of the above, the logical decision of the developers was to simulate the inability to manage caching tasks after the trial expires.

It is to bypass this «surprise» that the modified files are offered, intended for sharing with TrialReset.


The developers left an additional «trap» for researchers of the trial expiration simulation mechanism.

Tasks and statistics are no longer displayed in the graphical interface when manually transferring the date beyond the boundaries of the trial.

The driver itself is responsible for this trick, which reacts in such a harsh way to date manipulations.  

Therefore, this effect is observed when using both original files and modified ones.


After the date passes beyond the boundaries of the trial, tasks and statistics do not disappear during the natural course of the system clock.

The difference between the modified and original files in this situation becomes noticeable only in one moment.

The original files will not allow you to manage caching tasks if these files were launched after the trial expired.

The modified files are designed to bypass these artificial caching task management restrictions.


The difference between the modified Registered, Subscription and Trial files is purely cosmetic.

Just choose among them the most suitable «licensing» option for you:

• Registered — the name speaks for itself;

• Subscribe — a non-expiring subscription for 365 days with a correct recalculation of the new expiration date at each launch;

• Trial — a non-expiring trial with a final stop of the counter for 0 days with a full-fledged continuation of work.


An alternative to modified files is to use the PrimoCache icon menu in the notification area.
Why can this crucial information not be written in the article?
And what about all the other stuff? Is the other medicine still required? Is it better? Is it an alternative???
Today after 30 day of original install I got the message that my Trial of Ver 4.2.0 expired and the app also stopped working, I was using the mod files provided by Levvon which means the crack is fake.
Ok, So mod is for cosmetic purpose only I also need to use trial reset for actual trial reset.
How do you use the program if you are too lazy to read instructions and descriptions for cracked files? Everything works perfectly! I myself use this program on one of my PCs. Please read carefully what these files are for. They are not changed for cosmetic purposes!
Great guys thank you for all your effort
Repack works great, especialy with a USB memory 
How long do you use it?

Is there any instruction how to use the 4.2.0 version by Levvon?

There are 3 versions of the crack and there is no instruction whatsoever.

Thanks in advance.

The instruction is very simple and applicable to most of the cracked files that need to be copied with replacement to the folder with the installed program. The name of the files speaks for itself: what description in the section about the program you want to see, that crack and apply after installation. These files are needed in order to be able to change the program settings after the trial period. The protection of the program is very fancy and despite the fact that Trial Reset works without problems and the program will work even after the end of the trial period, changing the settings in the program is blocked and cannot be changed. After applying the cracked files, you will be able to make changes in the program settings at any time. I hope I explained everything clearly? 06

Sorry admin, can the instruction be integrated in a .txt file inside the compressed file?
So people will stop asking around here, (hopefully).