Microsoft Office LTSC 2024 16.0.17932.20286 (2025.03) RePack by KpoJluk

Microsoft Office is a good illustration of how today has changed the approach to document creation and collaboration with them. Many of us start working on one computer, continue it on another, but show on the third, along the way managing to make minor edits for your laptop, tablet or even smartphone. Therefore, Office have tried to do conceptually different. Almost all the key elements in it were designed from scratch and the apps are focused on a single style of work regardless of hardware platform. They are designed to provide the usual functionality on any device, automatically adjusting its interface to the current screen parameters and available system resources.

Composition of Microsoft Office
Professional Plus 2016 package:
Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Plus
  • Microsoft Access 2016
  • Microsoft Excel 2016
  • Microsoft Lync 2016
  • Microsoft OneNote 2016
  • Microsoft Outlook 2016
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2016
  • Microsoft Publisher 2016
  • Microsoft Visio Viewer 2016
  • Microsoft Word 2016
  • Skype for business in 2016
  • Office Shared Features
  • Office Tools

Microsoft Visio Professional 2016 Microsoft Project Professional 2016

Office's Components
Microsoft Word — new version of word processor with advanced features to create documents. Word provides additional opportunities to work with documents. To insert an online video, open a PDF and edit the content, align pictures and diagrams became much easier. The new reading mode is easier and does not distract your attention, and also works great on tablets. In addition, improved collaboration features: added direct connection to the web storage and simplified functions of reviewing, in particular fixes and adding notes.

Microsoft Excel
— a dynamic business tool to make the right decisions on the results of the analysis of the available data with advanced tools and features. In the first place stands the new look Excel. He spared from unnecessary details, but also designed for quick Pro results. Added many features to help navigate in large amounts of numbers and draw more persuasive pictures of data, leading to better decisions.

Microsoft PowerPoint
is a powerful program to create presentations, including portable, with advanced transitions, animation support, audio and video – even in high resolution. Microsoft PowerPoint has a more intuitive interface adapted to your tablet PC and touch screen phones. Speaker mode is automatically configured in accordance with parameters of the projector, and you can even use this on a single monitor. Themes now have several options, which simplifies the design, and when combined you can add comments to ask questions or request feedback.

Microsoft Outlook
— mail client with an expanded set of new tools, support for various Web services and social networks. When you open Outlook, you'll notice its new appearance. Now he's more succinct, which will help you to focus on the main submissions email, calendars and contacts.

Microsoft Publisher
is an easy to use utility for creating and forming of marketing materials and publications professional-quality printing and distribution by mail. Improved user interface, editing photographs, navigation through the document. Microsoft Publisher offers new ways to work with photos, allowing you to move them, swap and add visual pop to your publications with new picture and text effects.

Microsoft Access
— improved version of the database with improved logic programming integration with the business data catalog (BDC, Business Data Catalog), 25 quality templates. The Access web app is a new type of database that you build in Access, then use and publish the SharePoint application to share in the web browser. To create a web application, you only need to choose the type of data that you plan to track (contacts, tasks, projects, etc.). Access creates the database structure with views to add and edit data. Navigation and basic commands already built in, so you can immediately start using your web application.

Microsoft InfoPath
— application for creating rich dynamic forms for distribution and information management in an enterprise environment. Microsoft OneNote is a digital notebook that serves to store various information and sharing. When you open OneNote, you will immediately notice the new design that helps you focus on thoughts and ideas instead of the interface. Thanks to full integration with the cloud you can free up hard disk files, while ensuring access to notes and other data from anywhere using virtually any mobile device, tablet PCs and browsers.

Microsoft Lync
is the primary client software for Lync Server that provides presence information, the possibility of contact management, instant messaging, conferencing and telephony.

Microsoft OneDrive
is your professional library for storing work documents and other files. When you save files to OneDrive, they're available only to you, but at the same time you can easily give them total access to colleagues, and view them from mobile devices. Your files will be stored securely in the cloud SharePoint Online or in SharePoint Server for your company depending on the settings.

Microsoft Project helps you easily manage projects and collaborate with employees from almost anywhere. Organize your time and do not lose control over their projects through a single project management system created to work seamlessly with other Microsoft applications and cloud services.

Microsoft Visio
provides a set of new features that make creating more visual diagrams — including new and updated shapes and stencils, improved effects and themes, as well as the function of co-authorship, which simplifies the work in the team. In addition, it is possible to make the chart more dynamic linking forms with data in real-time and open access via the browser using Visio services in SharePoint, even if other users have not installed Visio.

Microsoft Sway
is a brand new way of the ideas allowing to submit them in digital format. At work, school and home with it, you can easily make a excellent interactive report or presentation to tell your story, or anything else, and also share their creativity with other people. It helps to add content and take care of the rest Sway.

RePack by KpoJluk
  • Languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian
  • Activation: AAct from Ratiborus
  • Extras: Office Tab; UBit Menu
To speed installation, disable antivirus

Command line parameters:
-S or -S1 — hide the window with the progress of the unpack temporary files
-S2 — show the window with the progress of the unpack temporary files
-S or-S1 or -S2 — mandatory /XO86U — silent installation Office (x86) updates
/XO64U — silent installation Office (x64) with updates
/XO86N — silent installation Office (x86) without updates
/XO64N — silent installation Office (x64) without updates
/XV86U — silent installation of Visio (x86) updates /XV64U — silent installation of Visio (x64) with updates
/XV86N — silent installation of Visio (x86) without updates
/XV64N — silent installation of Visio (x64) without updates
/XP86U — quiet setup Project (x86) updates /XP64U — quiet installation Project (x64) with updates /XP86N — quiet setup Project (x86) without updates
/XP64N — quiet installation Project (x64) without updates Silent installation is performed using files .msp and, if necessary, you can set it using the Oct. Details the use of Oct can be found at the following link.
/XOMSP=«POLNEYUT» — specify the MSP file to install Office
/XVMSP=«POLNEYUT» — specify the MSP file to install Visio
/XPMSP=«POLNEYUT» — specify the MSP file to install Project
/XO86U /XOMSP=«C:\Excel_PowerPoint_Word.msp»
/XUP2016 — upgrade the installed Office 2016 /XTAB — install Office Tab
/XUBRU — installation of the Russian version UBit Menu
/XUBEN — installation of the English version UBit Menu
/KMS activation

Examples: Install.exe -S /XO86U /XV86N /XTAB /XKMS Install Office with updates, without updates Visio, Office Tab activation Install.exe -S /XV86U /XVMSP=«C:\my msp\custom_visio.msp» Visio installation with indication of own .msp file If you use unpacked or ISO version of the Assembly, pass parameters to the file AutorunHelper.exe but eliminate -S[1][2]

System Requirements
  • x86 or x64 processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz and supports SSE2 instructions.
  • 2 GB of RAM is recommended for graphics features, functions, Instant Search, and certain advanced functions.
  • 3.0 GB of free hard disk space.
  • Screen resolution of 1280 x 800. To use graphics hardware acceleration, you need a graphics card with support for DirectX10.
  • Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 10 Server, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2.

Updated: Office 16.0.17932.20286
Updated: MAS 3.0 activator



OS: Windows 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG / RUS
Medicine: Activated!
Size: 4,5 GB.
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Thank you very much brother
Amigo Dimaron Estas versiones no se pueden traducir al español? solo vienen por defecto en ruso? De ante mano gracias
Hola. Lamentablemente, estas versiones no las hacemos nosotros. La persona que las hace no le interesa hacerlas en español, ya que es mejor para su público hacerlas solo en ingles, ruso y ucraniano. Por lo cual estos repacks no es posible que estén en español.
Por otro lado, perfectamente puedes utilizar Office 2013 — 2019 C2R Install 7.06 by Ratiborus. El programa puedes iniciarlo en inglés y leyendo las instrucciones, puedes instalarte el producto Office que quieras en español. Espero haberte ayudado un poco.
Download Full x64 < — this link redirects me to Premium download
Issue: there's no free download for x64 file.
Comment edited: 29 August 2020, 05:53 (2 times)
The ISO links are for Office 2016-2019 only.  There is no 2021 option in the x86 or x64 ISOs, FYI.
You're right, my mistake… It's Office 2016-2019, not 2021.
Link for downloading AIO not working (file not found on server).
We will update today, please wait.