Lively Wallpaper
Turn Video & GIF Files, Emulators, HTML, Web address & Shaders, Games into Windows desktop wallpaper; Wallpapers will completely pause playback( 0% cpu & gpu usage) when fullscreen application/games are running.

Just drag & drop files, webpages to set as wallpaper..
Games & Applications
& more:
- Load HTML file or web address as wallpaper.
- Runs webgl, javascript… basically anything that works on chrome.
- Audio Reactive Wallpaper support, create wallpapers that react to system audio
- Customisation support, documentation.
Games & Applications
- Can set Unity, Godot games and any application as wallpaper.
- Dynamic audio visualisers, 3D scenes..
& more:
- Easy to use, Just drag'n'drop media files & webpages into lively window to set it as wallpaper.
- Hardware accelerated video playback, powered by mpv player.
- Interactive webgl wallpapers, powered by lightweight chromium engine Cef.
- Windows 10 fluent design, lively appearance adapts to system theme settings.
- Efficient, its a native .net core application.
- Fully opensource & free; no blackmagic, no features behind paywall.

Homepage | What's New
OS: Windows 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 184,30 MB.
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