Volume2 Final | Beta | Portable

Volume² — alternative volume control that completely replace the standard Windows volume control. Volume2 easy to configure hot keys and mouse events to control volume. Also, it is a simple task scheduler, which allows you to launch apps or control the volume.

Volume 2 has a multilingual interface: Russian, Ukrainian, English, Chinese, Armenian, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Arabic, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Czech, Danish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak,Slovenian, Swedish, Vietnamese (Available languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, Chinese, Armenian, German, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Arabic, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Byelorussian,Czech, Dutch, French, Greece, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Vietnamese).

In the Settings menu Volume2 allows you to configure the program in accordance with Your needs, tastes and preferences:
  • to change the interface language.
  • change the skin of the indicator in the tray;
  • customize mouse control;
  • to configure the function of the hot key;
  • to set the display view for crane volume changes (color, font, accompanying sound, location on the screen);
  • create a schedule: at this time working earphone with such a volume, and at other times the speakers work with that playback volume.

The sound control via mouse and hotkeys is intuitive, as well as other program settings, even for those who never used Volume2, and the standard settings of the program Volume2 is fine for most users.



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OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 7,75 / 7,58 / 8,04 / 7,89 MB.
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