Hallo Northern Sky 3.2.3

Hallo Northern Sky (HNSKY) — The semi-professional free planetarium program for MS Windows is intended for amateur astronomers. This program can control your telescope via the ASCOM or INDI interface, has a comprehensive up to date deep sky database with 30.000 objects and detailed descriptions, a star database with millions of stars and hundreds of Deep Sky Survey images which blends in accurately.

Additional the program can access the online version of the Deep Sky Survey, allows online update of the asteroid and comet databases and can search online in professional astronomical databases. Is provided with menu's in 21 languages and it is TOTALLY FREE without any advertisement or restriction.

Free with 30.000 deep sky objects and the TYCHO2++ 4.5 million star database up to magnitude 12.5. Online access to UCAC4 en NOMAD star catalog or download the complete GSC 1.2 up to magnitude 15 or the USNO UCAC4 up to magnitude 16. The Sun, Moon, the planets and their major moons are all displayed with surface features. Comet and asteroid databases and with hundreds of DSS deep sky images which will blend in at the correct size and orientation. It has an integrated deep sky observations help file with and 21 non-English menus. The MSWindows version contains both 32 bit and native 64 bit versions. With new powerful animation menu. In can control almost any telescope using the ASCOM interface program. Works flawlessly together with programs like EQMOD and MaximDL. Downloading of additional DSS images via the Internet is fully integrated. Just select an area and select download. After a few second the DSS image will pop in HNSKY at the correct size and orientation. The comet or asteroid database can be updated online with just one click. Online database search for objects in the selected area. Numerical integration for asteroids to achieve highest accuracy positions years in the future or past. The error is less then 1" after 10 years!!! So an asteroid orbital elements from 10 years ago will after numerical integration allow position calculation within 1" accurate!!! So also 10 years in the future.



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Size: 68 MB.

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