Garbage Collector .NET 26.06.2019 by Ratiborus

Garbage Collector .NET is a new program from Ratiborus. Program automates the search for keys in the network. Among the various blocked trash come across workers. You collect a bunch of keys and check them first in PidKey, then install them using MSAct++.

There is need a certain version of Chrome for the new Scavenger. These versions can be:
  • 75.0.3770.8
  • 74.0.3729.6
  • 73.0.3683.68
These and no others. Otherwise, it turns out as it is now, everything seems to work, but from time to time errors occur.Run the prog batch file in the folder and the mood Never translate anything. It will start with the profile in the program folder. It is better to close the prog by the browser, the prog itself will close. Then there will be no error at the next launch.

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Freeware
Size: 77,50 / 54,59 MB.
Download (Based on Opera):
Download (Based on Chrome):

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