GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 2D v2.5.6.194

GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 1D and 2D are the standard editions of the virtual desktop manager. It is a small and very simple program for Windows XP or later versions that will allow you to expand your desktop without any limits. When you move your mouse to the edge of your screen you will notice that your desktop extends beyond the borders of your normal desktop. It provides a cheap alternative for adding more monitors to your computer. Also if you are used to have multiple screens at home or at work, this program can bring you the same functionality on your laptop when you travel.
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Chaos Enscape

With our real-time rendering technology your project will impress from every angle, even at different daytimes. There is no need to carefully adjust your perspective before rendering, just start Enscape and fly to the spots you like. It’s fully dynamic and: A lot of fun! Enscape will make your life easier and delight your clients after seeing their project!
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Eterlogic Virtual Serial Ports Emulator

VSPE is intended to help software engineers and developers to create/debug/test applications that use serial ports. It is able to create various virtual devices to transmit/receive data. Unlike regular serial ports, virtual devices have special capabilities: for example, the same device can be opened more than once by different applications, that can be useful in many cases. With VSPE you are able to share physical serial port data for several applications, expose serial port to local network (via TCP protocol), create virtual serial port device pairs and so on.
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JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) 7.1

JoyToKey (or Joy2Key) enables PC game controllers to emulate the keyboard and mouse input, so that windows applications and web games can be controlled with your favorite joysticks! Whenever buttons and sticks are pressed on the controllers, JoyToKey converts them into keyboard strokes and/or mouse movements so that the target application will work as if a real keyboard and a mouse were used.
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VovSoft VCF to CSV Converter 4.4 | Portable

VCF files store information regarding your contacts, enclosing vCards (short for Virtual Business Cards). VCF is a file type recognized by desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices. These files primarily store names and phone numbers in order to export and import contacts. In case you want to build an Excel list of your contacts in any Android device, iPhone or Outlook address book, you can easily export the contents of the VCF file using a converter. A dedicated software tool such as Vovsoft VCF to CSV Converter can help you in this regard. This program supports a wide variety of VCF formats including iCloud, Android, Google Contacts, and Outlook.
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Virtual Serial Port Driver Pro 11.0.1041

Virtual COM Port Driver is a powerful technology designed specifically for those who develop, test, or debug serial port software and hardware. This solution will provide your system with as many virtual COM interfaces as you need. If there are not enough physical COM ports or even if you don’t have a single real serial port on your computer, this dedicated software will come to the rescue. It will help you create pairs of virtual serial interfaces communicating via a virtual null-modem connection.
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ExtraDisks 25.3.1 Home

ExtraDisks is a suite of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer – physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided into additional partitions. The program contains tools for creating Encrypted disks, Virtual disks based on files and Virtual disks based on folders. The current version consists of the following tools: Encrypted Disks, Virtual Disks, Folder Disks, Startup Manager, System Tweaker.
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