uRAM 1.0

uRAM is a powerful tool developed to monitor and provide detailed information about your computer's memory (RAM) in real-time. Designed with an intuitive interface and dynamic graphing capabilities, uRAM helps users gain a deep understanding of their system's memory performance and condition.
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MemoryCleaner is a lightweight and simple utility designed to optimize your computer's performance by clearing up unnecessary memory usage. It provides a quick and easy way to free up RAM, ensuring your system runs smoothly and efficiently. Unlike more complex tools, MemoryCleaner focuses on the essentials, offering a no-frills approach to memory management.
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PerfView | TraceEvent 3.1.18

PerfView is a free performance-analysis tool that helps isolate CPU and memory-related performance issues. It is a Windows tool, but it also has some support for analyzing data collected on Linux machines. It works for a wide variety of scenarios, but has a number of special features for investigating performance issues in code written for the .NET runtime.
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Reduce Memory 1.7 Portable

Reduce Memory — removes as many pages as possible from the working set of the specified process.When too many programs are using up your computer’s RAM (Random Access Memory), you may find your system becoming slow or unresponsive. to clear out the clutter from your system’s memory and get it running smoothly again use “Reduce Memory”, it will free up your RAM memory a little in Windows.
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PassMark RAMMon 3.3 Build 1000 | Portable

RAMMon is a lightweight Windows application that reports memory timings, transfer rate, channel mode and other memory settings, as well as the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data of RAM modules. SPD data allow users to identify a multitude of attributes, of which, includes the manufacturer, the clockspeed and other data of their DDR2, DDR3, DDR4, DDR5, XMP and EPP memory devices and even some older memory types.
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OCCT Stable | Portable

OCCT is the most popular all-in-one stability check & stress test tool available. OCCT is great at generating heavy loads on your components (CPU, GPU, Memory, GPU Memory & Power supply), and aims at detecting hardware errors or stability issues faster than anything else. A monitoring engine is also embedded, to ease diagnostic and see how your computer reacts under heavy load using graphs.
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