ERDesign Xtream-Downloader | Portable

With Xtream-Downloader you are aBle to download Movies and Series from your lPTV Provider!

This allows you to watch them whenever you want, and you are not dependent on ап internet connection. ХО Pro works with XC Reloaded compatiBle IPTV providers, please check compatiBility with your provider!

You have а clear overview of all Video On Demand availaBle from your IPTV provider. You can see at а glance when а film or series has Been added, the IMDB rating of the
film or series, and ап example of the cover. Downloading your favorite movies and series has never Been easier!

 Custom Settings
  • Change the useragent, set a download speed limit, check for available connections before starting the download.

Support for Proxy
  • Use a proxy server to download content, hide your real ip-address or bypass ip-geo-limitations.

Export to STRM
  • Export movies and series to STRM files, access all the VOD from your favorite mediacenter, and save disk space!

Movie Information
  • View the available movie information, video and audio codec information, and view TMDB info and Trailers on Youtube!

Series Information
  • View the available series information and Trailers on Youtube!

Episode Information
  • View the details for each episode, video and audio codec information.

  • With our M3U 2 STRM command-line tool you can automate the convertion of your favorite series and movies to strm files.

M3U 2 STRM Configuration
  • Create configurations for the M3U 2 STRM tool. No need for manual editing — just select the output folder, create the configuration — and add it to Windows Startup!

  • Always have the latest version, and enjoy new functions! Check for updates on startup — and never miss the latest release!


OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Keygen by Error13Tracer
Size: 23,63 / 17,66 MB.
Download From Homepage
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Reasons for raising the release: Links updated



I think both the green ones are broken links.
Please check them.
Thank you very much sir!

Comment edited: 8 November 2021, 20:43
Already looking for an archive to update links. Expect…
All links have been updated!
     Many love to you sir <3 Spasiba!
And thank you for choosing our site! Always happy to help. Also, do not forget to read the rules of our site. If you need help, please contact.

Could the links be re-uploaded a final time?

Sadly everything is gone 07

Comment edited: 9 September 2022, 09:43
I'll try to update all the links tomorrow when I get home from work…
Unfortunately, I do not have this keygen in the archive, I asked the author through a friend. I'll update the links as soon as I get it. Wait.
Hey buddy, Marry Christmas! Could you please upload new links? all are broken. Thanks!
Please read the comments above.
Links are dead
Will be reloaded. Please follow the comments.
Unfortunately, the official website of the program is no longer working. Download the program installer to make a portable version, I can not. Keygen links updated.
Links are dead
This is a release for 2021! The program is very outdated, even the official site no longer works. So far, I could only update the link to Keigen. Later I will try to find the installer and make a portable version. Follow the comments.

P.S. This was already written above.
Comment edited: 15 March 2025, 09:13