PrimoCache 4.4.1 Final | Desktop Edition | Server Edition

PrimoCache is a supplementary software caching scheme that cooperates with physical memory, solid-state drives (SSDs) and flash drives to provide data caching for local physical disks. It transparently stores disk data into fast cache devices such as physical memory, so that future read requests for those data will be served directly from the cache and be faster. Thus access time will be reduced, showing a great improvement in overall system performance.

What Can You Do With It?
  • If you have 4GB or more memory, you can use a portion of the memory as cache to accelerate local disks, including mechanical disks, SSDs and flash drives, and iSCSI disks.
  • If you have memory not seen by Windows, usually in 32-bit Windows, you can use this hidden memory as cache to accelerate local disks and iSCSI disks.
  • If you have a SSD and a mechanical disk on your system, you are able to partition a portion or all of this SSD as cache to accelerate the mechanical disk.
  • If you have a spare USB 3.0 flash drive, you can use it as cache to accelerate your mechanical disks.

PrimoCache In Detail
PrimoCache implements a two-level caching architecture consisting of level-1 cache and level-2 cache. Level-1 cache, also called primary cache, is composed of physical memory. Level-2 cache is a secondary cache which typically resides on a solid-state drive, a flash drive or other fast persistent storage device. Obviously level-1 cache runs much faster than level-2 cache, although it is usually much smaller. PrimoCache allows a single level cache configuration using either level-1 cache or level-2 cache, as well as a two-level cache configuration using both levels of cache. Unlike level-1 cache which cannot keep cache contents on reboot, level-2 cache is able to retain its cache contents across computer reboots because of the persistent nature of storage devices. This avoids fetching often-accessed data again from slow disks each time computer boots up. Thus level-2 cache will remarkably reduce boot-up time and speed up applications for those computers which install mechanical hard disks. PrimoCache also supports write-deferred caching mode, which executes write requests on the cache first and synchronizes data from the cache to the disk after custom delays. Therefore write requests can be responded and completed very fast, greatly improving the disk write performance. In addition, PrimoCache implements the Unified Invisible Memory Management Interface (UIMMI), which can use Invisible Memory as level-1 cache. Invisible Memory, also known as Unmanaged Memory, usually exists on 32-bit desktop Windows where 4GB or more physical memory is installed. This feature helps to overcome the Windows limits on amount of system memory and fully utilize all installed physical memory. PrimoCache fulfills an intelligent cache replacement algorithm which optimally determines cache blocks needed to be discarded to make room for new data when cache space is full. This cache algorithm combines two normal algorithms which are Least Frequently Used (LFU) and Least Recently Used (LRU), and provides a better cache hit ratio. It is self-tuning and requires no user-specified parameters. PrimoCache allows multiple cache strategies and flexible configurations. It is implemented in Windows kernel level and is transparent to other applications. Therefore no application or system changes are required for this caching solution. With PrimoCache, you can easily setup caches for local disks and speed up your computers.

  • Supports physical memory, solid-state drives and flash drives as cache storage.
  • Implements a two-level caching architecture.
  • Supports persistent level-2 caching.
  • Supports Write-Through and Write-Deferred caching modes.
  • Supports TRIM command.
  • Supports OS Invisible Memory.
  • Supports pre-fetching data into cache.
  • Implements an intelligent and self-tuning cache replacement algorithm.
  • Supports caching strategies: Read/Write Caching, Read-Only Caching and Write-Only Caching.
  • Supports performance statistics and monitor.
  • Supports caching for multiple volumes
  • Supports caching for volumes with proprietary file system.
  • Supports caching for volumes on basic and dynamic disks.
  • Supports plug and play.
  • Supports command-line interface.

Why PrimoCache?
Why do we need PrimoCache since Windows has already implemented a file-system level cache?
  • PrimoCache is a block-level cache program which caches data on a logical block basis (offsets within a disk), while windows cache is a file-system level program which caches on a virtual block basis (offsets within a file). Each has strengths and weaknesses, and PrimoCache can be a good supplement to Windows cache.
  • Some applications can bypass Windows cache but cannot bypass PrimoCache because PrimoCache runs at a lower level in Windows.
  • Windows caches all data, while PrimoCache can cache on behalf of a specified volume in which users are interested. Given same size of system memory, the latter has a higher hit-rate.
  • PrimoCache supports persistent SSD caching for mechanical hard disks, improving system boot-up time and applications loading time. Windows cache cannot.
  • PrimoCache can customize write-deferred mode, while Windows cache cannot.
  • PrimoCache can make use of Invisible Memory on 32-bit Windows as cache, overcoming the Windows limits on amount of system memory.

How to use Bundle Trial Reset


Changelog Trial Reset v4.1.0
  • Instead of symbolic links in the file system for token files, a trick with hard links is used (short names on the system volume are automatically included);
  • Permanent symbolic links in the registry are no longer used, only temporary (located in RAM and valid only until reboot);
  • Disabling the Primo Ramdisk driver for the first time using the Trial Reset and the next two reboots is no longer required.
  • Anti-virus alarms are false positive;
  • Don't forget to uninstall all previous versions of Trial Reset!


Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG / Русификатор
Medicine: Romex Software: Trial Reset by Levvon v4.1.0 build 31721 (DC 13.11.21) -FAQ / Cracked (& signed) Driver (only for v4.3.0) by Juno_Jr / Darkhorse1870 / hua_wuxin (DC 05.11.2023) — Changelog/ Universal bat file PCacheInstall v0.0.4 by westlife (Description) DC 29.11.2024
Size: 3,31 MB.
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Reasons for raising the release: Added RUS language


HI to all,
unfortunately the crack 4.2.0 version by Levvon does not work; after the end of the 30 days of trial the message <The trial period for this product has expired> comes out  and the program settings cannot be changed. I tried to put both the exe from the Subscription folder (X64) and from Registred folder (X64) but nothing to do. I've the Server Edition.
Sorry everyone, I correct my previous post by informing you that for my mistake I didn't notice that the Trial Reset crack was not working in the Task Scheduler and therefore Primocache is expired . I reinstalled primocache, including the Trial Reset crack and the crack by Levvon and everything seems to work well.
Please do not confuse two different things: Krack and Trial Reset! Trial Reset is needed to update the trial period and it is added to autorun along with the system, and Krack is needed to be able to change the program settings after the trial period has expired. Everything is detailed in the instructions. Good luck!
Hello and thnx for the amazing work.

It possible to use only trial reset in sched task and f*ck the gui and cmd program if i dont want to change any settings of the program later?

Will i be able to replace the exe files later to mod settings whenever I need to, and put back the original exes after done editing settings?
Hello! Yes, you can only reset the trial period. The program after the expiration of the trial period will continue to work with the settings specified in it. You can replace the executable file at any time.
Hello, I have a question: my Trial Reset is it working? I use Primocache 4.2.0, with files cracked (Registered), with Trial Reset. On task scheduler, «Last Run Result» i have code «0x3E8». Is it normal? Windows Fast Startup it's disable, activity run on system startup. Why I haven't code «0x0»? Thanks.
Hello! If you open the program interface and can change the settings, then everything works. I don't use this program, I like DimaxIO better, so I can't tell you anything about the error you see. Maybe one of the users of this program can see if he has the same error? In my opinion, when you see an error, this is already bad, but if everything works, then you don’t need to touch anything. In any case, you can try uninstalling Trial Reset and installing it again. I also remind you that it does not need to be manually added to the «task scheduler». You just need to copy it to the folder with the installed program and run it. He will do the rest himself. If there is an anti-virus program, then add it to the exclusion list.
Thanks for reply:

1) «In any case, you can try uninstalling Trial Reset and installing it again.»

Already done… i think. If launching «RomexSTR.exe», it generate «only» the activity on my task scheduler and nothing else! See the photo, please:

2) I also remind you that it does not need to be manually added to the «task scheduler». You just need to copy it to the folder with the installed program and run it. He will do the rest himself.

Already done! But trial reset generates «automatically» only the activity on task scheduler! I put Trial Reset on Primocache folder: «C:\Program Files\PrimoCache».

3) If there is an anti-virus program, then add it to the exclusion list.

Already done! I also added «RomexSTR.exe» at exclusion list.
If you open the program interface, can you change and save the program settings?
Now it works (it seems). I chanced "/s" parameter to "/o" parameter and Trial Reset program starts on Windows startup! I can see the icon on Task Manager. That's all.
v4.3.0 trial version does not work. The existing crack doesn't seem to work.
We need to wait for the new version…
Comment edited: 10 April 2023, 12:31
Trial Reset does not seem to work as well.
The program is now phoning home.
Any ideas when a new fix will be available?
Comment was deleted
I didn't meant to spam the message. Sorry about that. ;-)
Tried to download  Crack (4.2.0) by Levvon but failed with a «Wrong IP» msg, blocked access from China?
Hi all. I foumd a way to reset the time in version 4.3. RunAsDate and  it's free. :-)
You just close PrimoCache, make the date change and run PrimoCache again and BOOOM! No need for restart the computer at all. 04
Please tell me how to use it in detail ㅜㅜ
Watch this video, but you have to know a date your trial was ongoing. 01
Comment edited: 4 May 2023, 10:53
Thank you. Have a good day04
Does not seem to work on my laptop. I set the date to 2 or 3 days prior to my recent trial period's end day. But no success.

Any idea or tips? Thank you!  
Please read the latest comments.
I tried using RunAsDate and for a while it worked. However, when I opened PrimoCache today (the day my trial becomes expired), the Cache Task is not showing up (it's completely blank). I can't even add cache/volume.

I reinstalled the program and tried RunAsDate again, but it gives the same result as before. I tried different settings/parameters (/immediate, /movetime, /startin, /returntime, etc.) in RunAsDate, but nothing worked. I even tried to restore my computer with System Restore and Acronis True Image to an earlier date, and it still didn't work. The program is phoning home and remembers the first time it gets activated.

In the end, I went back to the previous version.
Hello! I am not currently using this program, DymaxIO is enough for my needs, but I want to tell you all the following: the author of the reset trial period (Levvon) spent a lot of time finding a working solution to use this program without restrictions and if it were possible solve everything by simply changing the date, then he would not bother with his whole solution to reset the trial period. Think about it and don't waste your time experimenting, it's better to wait for a new working solution from Levvon. 06
I'll probably do just that. Although I don't think he (Levvon) will release a new solution anytime soon. The creators of PrimoCache became much more meticulous with their trial implementation.
This can't solve the problem. PrimoCache performs time verification at the driver layer, plus registry data for verification, and the new 4.3 adds network verification. The previous method is no longer valid. You need to crack the driver and re-sign the driver
You should have replied to @Svin, not me. He's the one who presented the idea and I just tried it. I was hoping it would work, but unfortunately it didn't. Hence, I commented here about his Trial Reset idea along with the different things I tried three months ago. Since @Svin didn't reply back silently means that he experienced the same thing I did. In any event, I'm still waiting for a working fix. Right now, I'm still using the previous version.
Comment edited: 22 August 2023, 09:11
Violation of site rules. I strongly recommend that you read them and leave comments in accordance with the rules. Your comment will be removed.

P.S. Have you tested these drivers yourself? Does the system start? You gave a link to a solution, after applying which the user will be forced to restore his system or even install it again.
Comment edited: 22 August 2023, 09:50
Okay, the rules do not allow posting third-party links, does your website provide an email address for receiving?
Each user has his own personal mailbox. Select the user with whom you want to share something and send it to him. If you want the solution you found for activating the program to be added to the main post, you can send it to me in a personal or Telegram.
4.3 has been sent to your mailbox
I tried the fix you provided for 4.3.0, but it didn't work for me. It still detects my Activation Date (2023-04-11) and Expiration Date (2023-05-11). Before you ask, I read the instructions included and followed them to the letter. I'm just guessing here, but your fix would probably work if the program is installed for the first time. Well, back to square one for me.
I might try again tomorrow to see if I missed something. I might also install it in a virtual environment to compare the installation.

I was able to get it registered. As it turns out, the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\FancyCcV gets deleted after I apply the fix and restart my PC. In any event, the program shows as registered if I restore said registry key and restart the PC again.

Putting that aside, I may have succeeded in applying the fix, but no drives are showing. See the screenshot below:
I hope UClinux will answer you and give you advice to solve the problem. I don't use this program…
Thanks, man. However, I do have good news. I was finally able to apply the fix properly.

@Dimaron/@UClinux, you should probably include this in the ReadMe file.
  1. Completely uninstall any old version of PrimoCache. Do not preform an upgrade install. It will only interfere with the fix being applied correctly.
  2. Delete all leftover registry keys. RegDelNull will be required for this because previously installed versions of PrimoCache created null registry entries that cannot be deleted by regular means.
  3. Download the multilingual installer from their Github page:
Comment edited: 22 August 2023, 20:50

1. Use PrimoCache's uninstaller to uninstall the old version and restart the computer

2. Install the official multilingual server version, do not restart after the installation, run install.bat with administrator privileges, it will automatically import the registration information and replace the cracked sys file. Restart your computer when you're done, and you're done here.


If Microsoft revokes the certificate in the future, it may be necessary to disable the driver signature before the system starts. But there is no problem of destroying the system. There is also no need to reinstall the system or restore the system

Repair method:

①You can use the U disk to guide pe to enter, just replace the official driver in the bak directory, and of course it will restore to the 30-day trial version.

② Enter the system safe mode to uninstall the program

③Waiting for the new re-signed cracked file
Write for everyone what you need to choose after the installation of the program: do I have a license, activate later or activate the trial version?
You want to write an installation shell to replace install.bat?
What you need to choose after the installation of the program: do I have a license, activate later or activate the trial version?
Install the official multilingual server version in the first step, and finally choose to activate later, and continue to the next step.
Comment edited: 23 August 2023, 18:04
I tested this on a virtual machine and the program remains unregistered.
What version of the system are you testing on
I reproduced your problem on a virtual machine, because your installation steps did not follow the instructions above.


Error steps:

After the installation of PrimoCache is complete, choose to activate later, and choose to restart the computer in the next step. After re-entering the system, the application cracking will cause the cracking to fail. Some registry information was not generated.

Correct steps:

After installing PrimoCache, choose to activate later. In the next step, choose not to restart the computer. After PrimoCache exits, then run install.bat with administrator privileges. After the installation is complete, restart the computer, and the normal activation is successful.
I can read very well and did everything according to the instructions. The program is not activated.

Comment edited: 24 August 2023, 15:36
The problem you encountered is that the command «net session» was used in install.bat to rely on the server service, which resulted in the failure to check the running permission on your system, and did not continue to execute the subsequent commands. Edit install.bat to replace the «net session» command with «fltmc» and save it. It should be ok to test again.

You can redistribute the zip package after the modification, and the «fltmc» command is more compatible.
Ok, I'll try now. I do this only to be able to answer users' questions about the activation problem. I don't use this program myself. 06okeysmile
Windows Defender on windows 11 is picking the rxfcv.sys as malicious driver. is this something to worry about?
primocache error
Have you read the site rules? Did you read the post on the main page… Why are you posting in this thread about how this crappy Windows Defender works? What answer do you expect to receive to your question: Yes, it is a virus! Or maybe it’s better to ask why the Defender has such a reaction to such files?

i followed this, and it worked, many thanks, but i run into problem, valorant is not playable after applying the bat file


vangurad has detected the following incompatible software on your system rxfcv.sys

do you have fix on this?

Google query valorant, is it a gaming platform?

Many game platform anti-cheating systems will add leaked certificates to the blacklist.

The driver of this software happens to be signed with a leaked certificate driver file. So it cannot be solved unless you have your own private certificate and re-sign the driver file.
Hi dear friends @Dimar0n and  @UClinux,

I can't see the link for your solution, is it working? And if it's working can you update the main links of this topic?

Thanks in advanced.
Best Regards,
hoping new signed crack soon.