TheSage 7.64.2818 | Portable

TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus is a professional software package that integrates a complete dictionary and multifaceted thesaurus of the English language into a single and powerful language reference system. TheSage can look up words directly from almost any program (IE, Word, Firefox, Outlook, Thunderbird,… ).

  • Comprehensive Dictionary — Multiple detailed definitions (+210,000)
  • Complete Thesaurus — Nearly 1,400,000 relationships between definitions (synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, meronyms, holonyms,...)
  • Example Sentences — A large collection that already includes approximately 50,000 examples of usage.
  • Pronunciations — +70,000 phonetic transcriptions.
  • Information Integration — Each definition has its own specific thesaurus.
  • Cross-Referencing — Any and all displayed words are clickable, triggering a new lookup.
  • Wildcard Search — Match single/multiple characters as well as filter by single/groups of vowels and consonants.
  • Anagram Search — Only valid English words are returned.

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 44 / 45 MB.
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Installer | Portable


With browsers being a little more sensitive about .EXE files, would the suggestion of placing them in a zip, rar or other compressed format prevent the warnings that appear with these files be helpful?
I can't really tell you if that will work, but we can check it. I will give you the link, let me 5 minutes