HeavyM 2.12.2 Demo | 2.11.1 Pro Plus

HeavyM is a complete projection mapping software, with warping tools, audio reactivity and MIDI control. Unleash its power and create sensational visual experiences thanks to advanced features.



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OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Crack by BLiZZARD (for 2.11.1)
Size: 58,43 MB.
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Possible to do it on mac? mybe use the same patch files...need help
We don't work with iOS as an OS… I don't think we can help you with it. Sorry :((
Ok thanks. Anyway you should look at the 2.5Version that just got released…
How can i become vip user?
You have the information up above, in 'Donate'
The patch doesnt work 
It gave me 3 error when patching exe file can you correct this please ??
Comment edited: 18 February 2022, 11:58 (2 times)
le patch en version 2.5 était fonctionnel mais pas celui de la version 2.6.1
Which Patch? We have a full version with a crack...whatsmile
ok  c'est la correction automatique d'orthographe qui a traduit en «correctif»

Le crack de la version 2.6.1 ne onctionne pas correctement. j'obtient 3 erreurs quand je l'applique.
j'ai beau supprimer le repertoire dans programme files apres la desinstallation de l'ancienne version rebooter le pc rien y fait le crack donne toujours 3 erreurs quand il s'applique
To get started, please read the FAQ. Especially pay attention to the 11th paragraph. Then compose your appeal accordingly and then we will try to sort out your problem…
Ok sorry for That Dimar0n
I try to explain the problem in english
i download the software from scloud.ws and do exactly what is it said into the txt file and the fix doesn't work .   When the fix is finish to install it give 3 errors .  i test to lunch heavyM and it is not activated.  Did someone have a solution for this?
Hey! Unfortunately, I haven't had much time lately, but I'll try to figure it out.
Hi! I'm a developper at HeavyM, I work every week day to improve the software. We are going through economical difficulties theses times because of covid and stuff, I don't understand why you steal our work if you like the software? We are not microsoft. If you want like our software and want to keep seing new updates just buy… i mean do you see other people stealing your own work? Come on… And don't give me the «we want to try the software» excuse because there's the demo version for that.
Comment edited: 28 February 2022, 13:30
Absolutely agree with you. I'm just sharing with everyone what I found on the Internet. The one who tested your program for security vulnerabilities also did this only for educational purposes, which he indicated in a text file in his archive with your program, where he asks the users, if satisfied with the program, not to use «third-party» activations and buy a license for program, thereby supporting the developer… Unfortunately, now many have lost their measures for living, but they want to continue using the programs. For this reason, many people use «cracked versions» of programs. I myself am the owner of many software licenses, but sometimes (at least as a temporary solution to a problem) I switch to a «cracked» version of a particular program. When the money appears again, I purchase a license. Sorry, unfortunately now it's hard for everyone… Let's hope that soon everything will be restored and each of us will be able to earn money and buy what he wants.Thank you for your comment.

We both know that the reality is that people will keep their money if they can get the same thing for free. We did setup a support program for thoses who do not have the money and still want to use newer versions of HeavyM, it involved a little work on their side. There are solutions, but nothing is free, we work everyday on this and we need money too.

You're directly hurting us at a time where we may not be able to sustain and get through the year.
This is insulting.
Please remove the software from this site and any other you may have linked it.
Should i mention this is illegal by the way ?

Comment edited: 2 March 2022, 18:29
I removed the medicine (besides not working). At the weekend I will delete the topic itself with your program. I would like to see how you will contact other site owners (there are thousands of them !!!) with your program published. Probably for this you will have to abandon the development of new versions… In any case, good luck to you! In any case, due to the impossibility of publishing your program, I don't want to see you on my site…