About medicines: cracks, patchers, keygens...

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Hello everyone! I have long wanted to write this kind of appeal to all visitors to our site, but I didn’t have enough time. That night I read another «flattering» review from a stupid (I can't call it any other way, sorry...) visitor and decided to write this appeal today.

This site does not spread viruses, has never done this and is not going to do such things! Our goal is to notify you about the release of new programs, new versions of these programs and provide «alternative» methods for their activation. We kindly ask all visitors of this resource: do not download «medicines» to activate a particular program without a clear understanding of how this «medicine» works! Also, we kindly ask you not to leave comments about the reaction of your antivirus program to this or that «medicine» — these are false positives and you need to understand this before you are going to use this kind of methods for activating your programs. For users who do not understand all of the above, it is better not to visit our and other similar sites at all, but go straight to the official sites of software developers and buy licenses from them — so you (perhaps!) will not receive notifications from your antivirus programs and all of our lives will be calmer. If someone continues to leave comments with the problems described above (moreover, in a very harsh form!) — they will be immediately banned! Read more about «medicines» below. Hope for understanding.

Всем привет! Давно хотел написать такое обращение ко всем посетителям нашего сайта, но не успел. В ту ночь я прочитал очередной «лестный» отзыв от глупого (по-другому не назову, простите ...) посетителя и решил написать это обращение сегодня.

Данный сайт не распространяет вирусы, никогда этим не занимался и не собирается заниматься подобнымы делами! Наша цель — это оповещение о выходе новых программ, новых версий этих программ и предоставление «альтернативных» методов их активации. Убедительная просьба ко всем посетителям данного ресурса: не скачивать «лекарства» для активации той или иной программы без чёткого и ясного понимания, как работает данное «лекарство»! Также убедительная просьба не оставлять комментарии по поводу реакции вашей антивирусной программы на то или иное «лекарство» — это ложные срабатывания и это нужно понимать перед тем, как собираетесь применять подобного рода методы активации ваших программ. Пользователям, которые не понимают всего выше описанного лучше вообще не посещать наш и другие подобного рода сайты, а прямиком переходить на официальные сайты разработчиков программ и преобритать у них лицензии — так вы (возможно!) не будете получать уведомления от ваших антивирусных программ и всем нам будет спокойнее жить. Если кто-то и далее будет оставлять комментарии с описанными выше проблемами (к тому же в очень резкой форме!) — сразу будет получать пожизненный «БАН»! Более подробно о «лекарствах» прочитайте ниже. Надеюсь на понимание.


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Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe!
Don't worry Dimar0n, all the team, you do great work.
Keep it up!
You have no idea how many times you have to respond to such comments. There are some site visitors who do not understand at all what and how to download. Instead of asking for help and carefully reading the FAQ on the site, they start writing all sorts of nonsense, and besides, in a rude manner. I used to try to reason with them and explain that they are wrong, but now I'm tired of them...finger
Your site here is one of the best… very much work very good infos very well managed… although I never use hax programs connected to the internet out of conviction… your site is an asset that I use very gladly and could learn a lot and know always build up what is new and what new ideas programmers have… because good ideas have become rare in this world. Just like ideal from conviction. Translated with DeepL Translator (free version)
Comment edited: 30 September 2021, 17:23
A little corrected your comment — removed the extra code… 06
Hello! What to do if a link is broken? Like in this page here:


Thank you!
Comment edited: 8 November 2021, 20:36 (2 times)
Hey! Please leave an appropriate comment under the topic where you found a broken link. Thanks!

don't understand how this works the cracks and patch only lead to Russ wikipedia.

after install /unpack I don't know how to open it .

is there an explanation somewhere to read.

Hello! Everything is so simple that it is very strange to hear this kind of question… Open the link, in the lower left part of the site there is a choice of another language — SCREENSHOT

But just in case, I added links to the English version of the articles. It will be very funny the next time someone asks me for links in Turkish… 03