Mediachance Photo Reactor 1.51

Photo Reactor is a brand new highly optimized dynamic image editor and effect processor with absolutely unlimited possibilities and fantastic effects. Applying one static effects after another is so last century. Instead everything you do in Reactor is fully dynamic, always ready to be tweaked or rearranged.

  • Photo Reactor is exactly that. A completely new way of dynamic photo editing with truly parallel processing flow where you can change anything at any time.
  • As you work on your image, you don't just edit that single image. You are automatically creating the editing «flow» or recipe that can be easily applied to any other images with just a single click.
  • A processed and exported JPG image will remember the editing effect that created it. The same effect can be later applied to any other image even if you no longer have the original project file. Just drag and drop it back to Photo-Reactor… This also solves the tedious task of archiving many different versions of the same effect. The image itself becomes the effect! If you like it, you can apply it to any other image. It is that simple.
  • One of the many great features is the process of encapsulation. If you create an effect that you like, you can just simply wrap it to a brand new effect. Then use it later as a single object.
  • The heart of Photo-Reactor lies in a well designed, easy to understand nodal editing. Unlike other nodal editing software where objects can have many different signals, we made it very straightforward. Simple input and output and everything can be connected together like blocks.



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG
Medicine: Keygen
Size: 48.38 MB.

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