Advanced BAT to EXE Converter 4.62

Advanced BAT to EXE Converter is a powerful tool designed for creating EXE files from the BAT format, as the name implies. It primarily addresses users with some minimal experience in programming languages. The interface of the application is represented by a standard window with an uncomplicated layout. Loading a Batch file into the working environment can be done by using either the file browser or «drag and drop» method.

Before turning the files into executables, you may be interested in configuring some options; you can easily insert some command lines to manipulate the EXE's behavior.

For instance, it can bring up a window and request the user's input through a file browser or folder view. But you may also change the color of the text displayed on the screen, or make the compiled Batch file window turn invisible and run in the background.

Additionally, you can set the EXE to multiply two numbers and return the result in a specific variable or to wait a certain number of milliseconds before continuing, just to name a few command lines.

Advanced BAT to EXE Converter integrates two wizards for commands and graphics. Plus, you can use the Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo functions, together with Find and Replace. Log details can be viewed on the bottom part of the screen.

The program is pretty low-demanding when it comes to the CPU and system memory, so it does not put a strain on the computer's overall performance. It has a good response time, supplies users with Batch examples they can get inspired from, and it includes a help file that explains every available command line. We have not encountered any issues throughout our evaluation; Advanced BAT to EXE Converter did not hang, crash or display error notifications/

  • Launch ANY Windows program completely Invisible.
  • Convert, Encrypt and Compile any batch file to Windows executable.
  • Invisible Mode will launch the batch file completely silent.
  • Encrypts batch file source to keep your code secret.
  • You can set EXE icon, product version, and company info properties.
  • Includes Advanced Extended Commands unavailable in normal batch files.
  • Embed and Encrypt additional dependency files (images, sounds, .exe).
  • Useful for creating installation packages.
  • Helps automate repetitive tasks.
  • Built in editor.
  • Generated .EXE are stand-alone files that do not require any .DLL to run.


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OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 0,83 / 2,56 MB.
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What about the Pro version? (the 4.59 portable is ?)
Well, if I had a medicine to activate the PRO version, would I really not publish it!? Please do not ask such questions, they take time and nerves…
ok, so what is the point of publishing freeware so?..
The point is that it is not necessary to use the Pro version, but you can use the free version. There are a lot of such programs. For example TeraCopy — I myself do not use the Pro version and everything is in order. Why is your question? You don't want a free version — just skip the program thread.
The PRO version has such good options Free doesn't have. And I always be respectful with you, but you always seems to be upset, I read many of your answers so close comments if you're bored by our questions.
Fortunately, this is only your opinion and most users are satisfied with my answers. It is a pity that you did not understand what I told you. I'll just say for the future that comments are requested to be added medicine in a topic with the program will be removed as meaningless. Best wishes.