WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter 2.0

WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter is a handy and reliable utility designed to convert SWF files to animations, as well as several other picture formats. In order to enhance the appearance of the output animations, the software also includes a set of graphic effects such as Blur, Invert, Noise, Brighten, Emboss, GrayScale, etc.

Convert SWF to GIF Animation without Qiality Loss
  • Convert SWF file to GIF animation
  • Support SWF to seriate pictures support formats gif, jpg, bmp, tga,tif, png, etc.
  • Special efficacy available during swf to GIF process
  • Keep quality and frame rate as same as original swf file

SWF to GIF Converter Overview
  • WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter is easy to use Windows conversion software for convert flash swf file to animated GIF image. With this software, just few click to complete the converting process (Load swf > Set part of swf > output). You can also capture any frame and save it to all popular image format such as gif jpg, bmp, png, tga, etc.

Additional option:
resize resolution from swf to gif; make effects to output image; Set time delay for control playing speed.

Convert SWF to GIF Animation
  • Fast and easy way to convert Flash SWF to animated GIF with WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter. It will be more suitable for transmission, using chat tools to release dynamic picture and any situations which can not use flash document. SWF to GIF can optimize the output, ensuring the same quality, the smallest document.

Lossless Convert SWF to animated GIF
  • In the conversion process, WonderFox SWF to GIF Converter will retain the effect of SWF file intact and provide the multi-level choice of the quality to adapt to different purpose. SWF to GIF converter include changing file size, and set the output effects in advance. SWF to GIF uses the most advanced decoding technology, not only can identify the common flash SWF files, but also support perfectly for Script SWF which the majority of similar software can not identify.

Convert SWF to Seriate Pictures
  • Easy to convert SWF file to picture files like JPG, GIF, BMP, TGA, TIF, PCX, Ico, etc. You can also capture single picture from swf...

This process just need 3 steps
  • Load SWF file > Select the output period > Run



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Keygen by Radixx11 (v.1.7)
Size: 1,96 MB.
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