Skytopia SonicPhoto 1.33 Gold Edition | Portable

SonicPhoto is an audio program that converts images to sound. Use your existing photo collection or draw your own in Photoshop (or another paint editor) and watch SonicPhoto create tones right before your eyes with the click of a button.

Inspired by Michel Rouzic’s existing PhotoSounder program, SonicPhoto Portable loses its internal paint editor and sound importer, but gains automatic, convincing stereo and a unique harmony filter, from shimmering synths and rippling arpeggios to Create clear, professional effects, from deep bass to metallic drones.

Using SonicPhoto Portable is very easy. Simply clicking “Load Image…” in the upper left corner and clicking the green “Create or Play Sound” button is often enough to get good results. You can then change one of the many slider options or save the sound. If you’re new to it, check out the built-in preset example (top left “Choose a preset!”) to see what you can do!

  • Create an infinite variety of sounds ranging based on the patterns found in any picture
  • Instrument and harmony quantization so you can create tonal sounds
  • Dozens of in-built presets, so you can immediately try sounds out and experiment
  • Convincing stereo is automatically added to all sounds
  • Very easy to use GUI with everything you need at a click of a button
  • Well thought out system for loading and save custom projects
  • Instantly adjust the quality to suit your needs (low for preview, high for final result)


Homepage | What's New
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Activated
Size: 3,34 / 3,10 MB.
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Installer | Portable
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