iA Writer 1.4.8748.18429
The Focused Writing App. iA Writer removes distractions, giving you a calm, focused writing space.

File Export
Form Follows Content
Live Sync
Document Library
Syntax Highlight
Custom Templates
Focus Mode
Night Mode
Content Blocks
- Export to WordPress or Medium, HTML, Microsoft Word (.docx), or PDF.
Form Follows Content
- Write in MultiMarkdown, preview in HTML.
Live Sync
- Seamless Dropbox and iCloud Sync (Mac and iOS products), and Google Drive on Android.
Document Library
- Search, sort, and quickly swap between documents without leaving the window.
Syntax Highlight
- Spot superfluous adjectives, weak verbs, repetitive nouns, false conjunctions.
Custom Templates
- You can now create custom templates for preview, printing and PDF export.
Focus Mode
- Focus Mode dims everything but the current sentence, helping you stay in the flow.
Night Mode
- iA Writer includes an inverted “light on dark” mode, perfect for writing at night.
Content Blocks
- With iA Writer 4 it is now possible to embed pictures, tables and text.

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x64)
Language: ML / ENG
Medicine: KeyfileMaker by DVT
Size: 70,35 MB.
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