Cutting Optimization Software Library CutGLib 4.1.3

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Mathematical library CutGLib provides the linear (1D) and the rectangular (2D) cutting optimization functionality for software developers. More ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) developers use our library as part of the systems to plan and control their inventories. Whenever you need to find a way to cut several parts from a stock you just need to create an instance of CutEngine class, invoke couple of its methods to specify parts and stocks. Also you can specify several additional parameters (saw kerf / thickness, trim sizes, etc.) and run the calculation.

During the calculation CutGLib finds such cutting layouts that minimize the material waste and/or operating time. Should any error happen the calculation method returns the detailed error message.

After successful calculation you'll get the list of cutting layouts. Each layout consists of one or more stocks with the same pattern. You'll get the list of parts cut (or placed) from a used stock and coordinates where top left corner of the part.

  • Linear and sheet/panel stock types.
  • All cuts are done from one side of the sheet completely to another. The method is for cutting glass, wood, veneer, stones and other material.
  • Reduces rotation of the stock panels during the cutting operation.
  • Some cutting machines require simple cutting operation with only one sheet rotation; other machines are more sophisticated and can cut complex layouts. CutGLib takes these restrictions in account during the optimization. There are five levels of the cutting complexity: 2 (XY), 3 (two-stage XY), 4 (XYZ), 5 (XYZW) and 6 (Standard).
  • If the sheet is longer than the cutting tool can reach or there is a risk of breaking off the sheet with long cuts then one needs to make smaller cuts first.
  • It's a very helpful feature to utilize cut-offs from previous cutting operations. Also it helps when sheets come in different sizes from different suppliers.
  • This feature is very important for woodcutting industries. If all wood sheets have the same layout then they can be placed in a pile and cut simultaneously. That dramatically improves the productivity.
  • Defines the maximum number of stocks that can be cut at once from one layout.
  • Cutting produces the gap between parts that shrinks the result part sizes by a saw thickness. This feature takes in account the saw kerf during the optimization and generates the layout accordingly.
  • Some cutting machines are unable to make a cut on tiny pieces, because of the technical restriction, like cutting several millimetres from the glass sheet. This feature specifies what would be the minimal size of the cut-offs and therefore overcomes such problems.
  • In some cases the supply of the stocks is limited and all parts cannot be cut from it.
  • It's not a rare case when the sheets have a rough edges that have to be cut before further processing. This feature provides the way to specify the trim sizes for the sheets and takes them into account during the cutting optimization.
  • For some cutting tasks the orientation of the parts should be preserve, for others it's not important and part can be rotated by 90 degrees to get better utilization.
  • Different (not only 90°) Angle Cuts for linear optimization (for pipes and structural materials).
  • Maximum number different lengths that can be cut from one stock with flexible threshold value.
  • Unlimited parts and sheets number.
  • Support of text labels (part IDs).
  • Create image file (PNG format) with user-defined size.
  • Export all stocks and parts into AutoCAD DXF file (version R12).
  • Export all parts into CSV (comma-separated) file.

  • Fixed calculation error with non-sero minimal waste size.

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Keygen
Size: 1,19 MB.
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