Stardock IconPackager 10.03

IconPackager is the world's most popular way to change all the icons on your Windows PC all once. IconPackager allows users to change every icon on their desktop either individually or by applying pre-created icon packages. Creating your own icon package is easy, simply choose «Save As...» from its menu after setting up your system just the way you want it. Now you can trade that package with other users or keep is archived for backup purposes.
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Pichon (Icons8) | Portable

Pichon — All our Icons Offline on Your Computer that works with Photoshop, Adobe XD, Visual Studio, or anything. The app stores all the Icons8 icons on your hard drive and these are available in any format, size, or color. No doubt, we have social media icons like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and all kinds of arrows. Surely, we have basic ones like phone, home, and settings. However, if you are up for something more unorthodox, simply request it. No charge. Guaranteed. We tweet, message, and conduct structured interviews to determine which features the community needs, not to mention that the community invented many of them We have been creating 3-20 new line and filled icons every working day since 2012.
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Stardock Fences 5.86 Stable | RePack by xetrin

Fences is a program that helps you organize your desktop. It can hide icons when they are not in use as well as make it easy to place icons into moveable groups called «fences». Fences is the world's most popular desktop enhancement for Windows. What makes it so compelling is that what it does is so obviously useful and necessary that it is amazing that no one has thought of it before.
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