GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 2D v2.5.6.194

GiMeSpace Desktop Extender 1D and 2D are the standard editions of the virtual desktop manager. It is a small and very simple program for Windows XP or later versions that will allow you to expand your desktop without any limits. When you move your mouse to the edge of your screen you will notice that your desktop extends beyond the borders of your normal desktop. It provides a cheap alternative for adding more monitors to your computer. Also if you are used to have multiple screens at home or at work, this program can bring you the same functionality on your laptop when you travel.
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GiMeSpace KVMShare Pro

This program makes it much easier to work on 2 or 3 computers at the same time. Typically by connecting you desktop with your laptop or give good use to your old computer/laptop. Compared to similar other programs this program has much smoother and responsive mouse movements, much higher data transfer rates and does enable you to share windows on the screen of the other computers.
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