QtScrcpy 3.0.1 Portable

QtScrcpy supports displaying and controlling Android devices via USB or Wireless. It does NOT require root privileges. You can write your own script to map keyboard and mouse actions to touches and clicks of the mobile phone according to your needs.
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MD-NEXT is Mobile forensics software for Smartphone, Feature phone, Drone, Smart TV, Wearable, IoT device, USIM card, SD memory card, JTAG board, and Chip-off memory.
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Cellebrite Ufed 7.68

Cellebrite Ufed  — the Industry Standard for Lawfully Accessing and Collecting Digital Data. Collect data from the widest range of digital devices.
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Bluetooth Battery Monitor | RePack by Diakov | Portable

Bluetooth Battery Monitor displays all devices' information in one compact dialog box.  If the device provides additional information, Bluetooth Battery Monitor can show that, too. This includes each pod and case's battery level of the TWS headphones.
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DriveCleanup 1.6.5

DriveCleanup is a command line tool which does what you could do manually in the Windows Device Manager or my means of DeviceCleanup, it removes all currently non-present USB Storage Devices, Disks, CDROMs, Floppies, Storage Volumes and WPD devices from the device tree.
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iPulse 1.92

ipPulse™ — a network connectivity and device status monitoring tool for testing IPv4 connected devices. ipPulse periodically checks (polls) your list of devices to assess the whether the devices are reachable or respond to a connection attempt — it can retrieve a web page, check the web server status code and test for missing text in the retrieved web page. ipPulse alerts you to failures and it can send email alert messages to your phone.
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HHD Software Device Monitoring Studio Ultimate

  • USB
Device Monitoring Studio is a high performance non-intrusive software solution for monitoring, logging and analyzing of data coming through PC ports and connections.
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HHD Software Serial Monitor Ultimate

This software allows you to monitor the data that devices and apps exchange over serial ports. The program facilitates the development, debugging and analysis of software and hardware solutions that use serial communications for data exchange. It has full set of tools for successful decoding of serial protocols and analyzing packets data. The application's various editions include features for filtering, browsing, searching, recording, and data playback.
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