Program Blocker 1.0 Build 03 Portable

Program Blocker is a simple tool designed specifically for Windows. Its main purpose is to help you protect programs on your computer from unwanted access. This tool works by blocking .EXE format programs, whether they are already installed on your computer or portable programs that can be run directly without installation. With Program Blocker, you can control who is allowed to open these programs. Only you, as the password owner, can access the blocked programs.
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Simple Run Blocker 1.5 Portable

Simple Run Blocker (SRB) is portable freeware created to simplify the process of blocking applications from being used. This can come in handy, for example, to prevent children from using certain programs. SRB offers a ‘drag and drop’ ease of use not found in most other tools of this type. You can drag an executable to the SRB window and it will automatically be blocked. SRB also features a “white list” mode, which blocks all executables except your specifically approved applications.
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