Winstep Xtreme 20.4 | RePack by D!akov

Winstep Xtreme — replacement for the standard Windows shell with many convenient features, which sometimes are lacking in a standard envelope. install the package you get at the disposal of several modules (NextSTART, WorkShelf, FontBrowser, NeXuS), each of which performs a specific task in the design of the shell and has its own unique set of functions.
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Winstep Nexus 25.2 | Ultimate | RePack by Diakov

Winstep Nexus Ultimate — Compact, comfortable and beautiful panel to quickly launch programs and open documents (files, folders) in the style of the panel similar purposes in the Mac OS. Supports a number of skins, select a sound. Flexible system of settings and Russian interface will not leave you indifferent to this program. In the Assembly added Animated icons and instructions on how they use.
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