uRAM 1.0

uRAM is a powerful tool developed to monitor and provide detailed information about your computer's memory (RAM) in real-time. Designed with an intuitive interface and dynamic graphing capabilities, uRAM helps users gain a deep understanding of their system's memory performance and condition.
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DriversCloud is a complex tool that helps you retrieve complete data about the configuration of your system, both hardware and software, and perform additional maintenance tasks such as installing and updating drivers, real-time monitoring the hardware, or analyzing BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) crashes.
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VovSoft Website Watcher 1.5 | Portable

Vovsoft Website Watcher is a user-friendly and powerful website-monitoring tool suitable for both beginners and advanced users. The software allows users to monitor various types of web pages, including RSS/Atom feeds. It provides notifications for changes in competitors' websites, price adjustments, product availability, updates to favorite websites, modifications to the user's homepage, and more. The tool runs as a client on the user's computer, ensuring full control over data.
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iPulse 1.92

ipPulse™ — a network connectivity and device status monitoring tool for testing IPv4 connected devices. ipPulse periodically checks (polls) your list of devices to assess the whether the devices are reachable or respond to a connection attempt — it can retrieve a web page, check the web server status code and test for missing text in the retrieved web page. ipPulse alerts you to failures and it can send email alert messages to your phone.
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NetLimiter Pro | Enterprise | RePack by KpoJluk

NetLimiter is an ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Windows. You can use NetLimiter to set download/upload transfer rate limits for applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic. Along with this unique feature, Netlimiter offers comprehensive set of internet statistical tools. It includes real-time traffic measurement and long-term per-application internet traffic statistics.
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Flexense Disk Pulse 16.8.24 Pro | Ultimate | Enterprise

Disk Pulse Ultimate is a real-time disk change monitoring solution allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories, detect file system changes, send e-mail notifications or execute custom commands when one or more critical changes are detected. In addition, enterprise customers are provided with a server-based version capable of monitoring multiple servers and saving reports in a centralized SQL database.
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SiteMonitor Enterprise 4.03

SiteMonitor Enterprise is easy to install and configure. You can install it on any windows machine as long as it has internet connectivity. You can view the status of the monitored websites/hosts from anywhere since SiteMonitor Enterprise has it’s own web interface. On failure SiteMonitor Enterprise will send an Email and/or an SMS message.
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