
Just wondering if there is any 'medicine' for this app. I downloaded WinPIM Business 18.30.5860 and there is no medicine for it inside. I was hoping it might be PreCracked but the installer is the same size as the download from the site, so I guess it's not...
Unfortunately none of the serials worked from all fields. I also tried different names, no difference, nothing worked.
I wonder if anyone has tested v12.1.3 yet (Pro portable or install versions)… It seems that I can't get the keygens keys to work anymore on either install or portable (posted above). I have noticed though, when installing, there are a couple of more files, one being called " EPIMLic.dll " and I think there must be a slight difference in the licensing system and that's why the keygen serials are not working. I did find one release with a name/serial key that was supposed to work and that Name/serial combo is not reproduced by the existing keygen. I would say that it's maybe out of date now… I don't want to try any more because it deletes my existing settings etc for v12.1.2 each time it doesn't work...

Is there a new Keygen somewhere..??
Quick reply, was just going to log off -
I would like get the Portable — Adobe Photoshop 2025 Portable from above -
Trying to d/l PShop 26.3 Portable — 1st time only got 3 kb/s so after 15mins I cancelled… The 2nd, 3rd,  & 4th times it came down mauch fast approx 5Mb/s but stops d/l'ing at 524 mb and that's all you get… Not sure if it's high traffic or just a fault somewhere… I will try again later. It would be nice to get the portable..
Tried to download  — «Download Bigasoft Total Video Converter Portable»,
but that link gave me this — Bigasoft Video Downloader Pro Portable.rar

I hope you can fix and update — Cheers...!!!