- 4 February 2024
Stevens ·commented in Adobe Photoshop 2023 | 2024 25.12.1 | 2025 | RePack by KpoJluk | PortableProblem still present, do you have a solution?
- 8 December 2023
Stevens ·commented in Help for site | Donate | Get VIPthis time it's OK, no error message from Paypal (ceic using same link above)
Please give me VIP rights
9J149664GX4857415 - 6 December 2023
Stevens ·commented in Help for site | Donate | Get VIPThe «Paypal» link is included in your ad message. I don't see how I could invent such a link. I simply clicked on it. And on my second attempt, I even got a message appearing to come from paypal to the effect that the «user» (you) no longer existed.
Please check your link... -
Stevens ·commented in Help for site | Donate | Get VIPHello,
I wanted to make a donation, but when I went to your paypal link I got an alert message about suspicious activity.
I was obliged (by paypal) to change my password.
Great :-( - 14 December 2022
- 13 December 2022
Stevens ·commented in ViceVersa Pro 6 Build 6012 | PortableThank you for your answers. Is there a deadline!?
- 9 December 2022
Stevens ·commented in ViceVersa Pro 6 Build 6012 | PortableHello !
Why am I not a VIP user anymore and therefore I don't see the «special» links - 22 March 2022
Stevens ·commented in Reg Organizer 9.61 Final | Portable | RePack by KpoJluk | RePack by D!akov | RePack by elchupacabraI've been using it for a few months, but after installing the latest version and cracking it, my antivirus didn't see anything at first and today blocked the program. In doubt I uninstalled everything, I can live without the program and avoid possible problems. What I find strange is that this program has put a delay for the loading of my firewall «Comodo» and I do not know why. Anyway, thanks for all the sharing here ;-)
- 28 February 2022
- 27 February 2022
Stevens ·commented in OCCT Stable | PortableThank you for your answer :-)
Yes, the limit is still there (I can't put a screenshot here) but when you run a test with the software it says :
«It's only a few dollars for personal use! Supporting one will remove this windows and the 1-hour limit on test duration» - 24 February 2022
Stevens ·commented in OCCT Stable | PortableA possibility, one day, to have a «full» version without the limitations of the «free» ?
- 6 January 2022
Stevens ·commented in Reg Organizer 9.61 Final | Portable | RePack by KpoJluk | RePack by D!akov | RePack by elchupacabraThanks for sharing, I didn't know this software. I tested it and I am delighted, thanks to it I solved the slowness at the startup of my Windows 11 and ESPECIALLY I do not have any more the «black screens just after the login» which occurred two times out of three. I am very happy to no longer have these two problems. I recommend this software!
- 4 January 2022
Stevens ·commented in RealVNC 7.13.1 Server Enterprise | ViewerHello Sandra324
Thank you for your message. I'm sorry to have bothered you. At first it was the server page that was not reachable. Then another time the file was blocked when writing to my disk.
Then I deactivated what I needed and I managed to get the .rar file.
I will try to test this crack.
Thanks ;-) - 3 January 2022
Stevens ·commented in RealVNC 7.13.1 Server Enterprise | ViewerThe VIP link does not seem to work (at least for me)
- 8 December 2021
Stevens ·voted for post KMS VL ALL AIO v53.0 by abbodi1406
- 7 December 2021
Stevens ·commented in Help for site | Donate | Get VIPI just tested it, it's OK for me. I hadn't seen the area mentioned «Links for VIP-Users», sorry, thanks for everything!!!
Stevens ·voted for Help for site | Donate | Get VIP comment
- 6 December 2021
Stevens ·commented in Help for site | Donate | Get VIPDo I need to contact an Admin (if so how) to activate my VIP account?
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