The «Paypal» link is included in your ad message. I don't see how I could invent such a link. I simply clicked on it. And on my second attempt, I even got a message appearing to come from paypal to the effect that the «user» (you) no longer existed.
I've been using it for a few months, but after installing the latest version and cracking it, my antivirus didn't see anything at first and today blocked the program. In doubt I uninstalled everything, I can live without the program and avoid possible problems. What I find strange is that this program has put a delay for the loading of my firewall «Comodo» and I do not know why. Anyway, thanks for all the sharing here ;-)
Yes, the limit is still there (I can't put a screenshot here) but when you run a test with the software it says :
«It's only a few dollars for personal use! Supporting one will remove this windows and the 1-hour limit on test duration»
«It's only a few dollars for personal use! Supporting one will remove this windows and the 1-hour limit on test duration»