ManicTime Pro 2024.3.5.1 | 2025.1.0.5 Beta | Portable

ManicTime allows you to keep up with your employees’ work, send accurate progress reports, and manage your time better than ever before. This kind of software can help your business be more efficient when it comes to internal employee affairs as well as the external partnerships.

Automatic tracking
ManicTime automatically records your computer usage. It remembers which apps you've used and for how long. It will also remember which web sites you've visited and which documents you've worked on. All this data will help you keep track of your work hours.

Data, which ManicTime collects, is stored on your machine and not sent anywhere. It is not shared with us or any third party and exists only on your machine.

Offline work
ManicTime is not a cloud based service, instead it uses a local datastore, so all recorded data will be kept on your machine. This also means that it will work the same with or without internet connection.

Accurate timekeeping
All the data ManicTime collects will be presented in a easy to understand graphical interface. This will help you to quickly figure out when you went to lunch and when you've switched tasks. From now on, your logged hours will be accurate and simple to track.

Easy timesheets
From the hours you logged its easy to create almost any kind of report. Once you create the report, you can easily copy it to Excel or some other tool and create an invoice there.

Integrate with other systems
ManicTime can integrate with task based systems, like Jira or GitHub. You can use ManicTime to enter your work hours, then send the timesheet back to specific issue.

Company wide reports
Use ManicTime in your company or your team. ManicTime Server will collect all data and generate useful reports.

Auto tagging
ManicTime captures a lot of data and you can use this data to create work activities. For example you can say that all facebook activity is «Browsing» and that all MS Word usage is «Work».

Away time
Equally important as tracking computer usage is tracking non usage. When you step away from the computer, ManicTime will track this as Away time. When you return, you can create a note of what you were doing during Away.

Even though ManicTime excels at automatic time tracking, you can still use a stopwatch to manually track your time.


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OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Crack
Size: 153,37 MB.
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I'm afraid this patch for this version (2024.3.2.2) doesn't work. At least on my computer.

I've tried all possible ways and when the patch is applied it doesn't start.

I've uninstalled and reverted to version (2024.1.0) and it works perfectly.

Shame… Has this happened to anyone else?

Comment edited: 10 December 2024, 02:19
Please tell me where you got the Patch? We have a version with Crack… mmsmile
I just checked the version from the Crack on Windows 11 (x64), everything was according to the instructions in the archive, after using the Crack the program does not start… Maybe it only works on Windows 10… We will wait for comments from other visitors…

Sorry for the delay in responding (it was due to medical reasons) the patch I used is the one that comes in the download, and it kills the program, the solution I found was to revert to a previous version.

 Windows 10 X64.

I still don’t understand where you got the Patch? You read my post above — the program is activated and works without problems…

The patch I used is the one that comes in the second link on this page: (Download ManicTime Pro 2024.3.2.2) I have not used any patch from another site, I have used the one on this page.

Thank you for your concern and kind regards.
Which second link? We have only one link to the entire archive and it is with Crack — this is indicated in the topic.

Ese es exactamente el enlace que indicaste que usé. Aplicando el crack que incluye, es la carpeta (lib) la que hay que reemplazar, y eso es lo que hice, y el programa ya no arrancó. No sé si me pasó solo a mí o a más personas.

Perdón por mi uso del inglés, no sé mucho al respecto y es posible que no me exprese con claridad y cause cierta confusión.
Now it’s clear, well, it’s strange, of course, and it’s a pity that it doesn’t work. Let's wait for the update then…
He intentado descargarlo de otras páginas, que es el mismo método para descifrar el programa y me pasó lo mismo.

De todos modos, muchas gracias por su atención, y esperaré otra actualización,


This version works perfectly, (2024.3.4.0) installs without problems and starts perfectly.
