cFosSpeed 13.02 build 3003 Final | OEM by GigaByte | RePack by elchupacabra
cFosSpeed - a program that when connecting to the Internet and the use of more than one data stream (for example while browsing web pages, downloading files, listening to the radio and communicate in Skype), optimizes and reduces «Ping», thus ensuring excellent performance of your Internet applications.
cFosSpeed - a great optimizer Internet traffic for your PC. Through this program, you can use your Internet connection to its full capacity. Just as it is indispensable for the «Gamers» in online games. cFosSpeed will now actively slow the RX-speed downloads, if the threads \ have a lower priority than other threads that go in the same time. In other words: if you watch the video stream in your brower (high PRIO) and downloading at the same time ( Low PRIO), CFosSpeed slow boot to make sure that you get enough bandwidth to video.No if the video is stopped, the entire channel is available again for downloads. It can be turned off, «SPD gset throttle_fast 0». Enabled by default. «SPD classes» and «cons SPD-wquot» etc… show a column named «wquot», which is a factor that shows how fast the flow, respectively. Comparison of the class in how fast it should be. For example factor 1.00 means perfect, 1.5 means 50% too fast, 0.8 means 20% too slow. „SPD classes“ command shows statistics for all classes in the form of a table.
cFosSpeed „Automatic RWIN expansion“ feature keeps your Mozilla Firefox downloads fast
Normal data transfer: Data reception needs to be confirmed (ACK- packets ) before you can send the new data.
Without Traffic Shaping: data transfer delay ACK- packets. As a result, the reception speed is also reduced.
cFos Traffic Shaping: ACK- packets receive the highest priority, allowing you to receive data at a maximum speed.
- Broadband: Cable and DSL
- Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
- Media:
- DSL, PPPoA (Vcmux and LLC)
- Cable
- IP over AAL
- RFC1483/2684 bridged
- Router and dial-up connections
- LAN and WLAN
- Router and Bridge-Mode
- Multiple connections simultaneously
- Adjustable routes
- Several IP adresses per adapter
Traffic Shaping
- Multi-User version
- TX and RX-Shaping
- RWIN Expansion
- L7 Protocol Analysis
- Prioritization of Programs
- Class Delay Management
- RTP/VoIP Detection
- Individual rules with filter language
- Low-Latency Mode
- Auto-MTU optimization
- Skins
- Status window on your phone/tablet
- Online Budgets
- Usage Graph
- Overview of connections
- Firewall
- Data and packet logging
- 32-Bit and 64-Bit version
- 32+ languages

Homepage | Changelog beta version
OS: Windows 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Medicine: Trial Reset 4.2 / Patch (For final version) — Not tested with this version!
Size: 6,20 MB.
Download From Homepage
Final Installer | Beta Installer | Ultima version for Win 7 / 8 / 8.1 Installer | cFosSpeed Traffic Shaping.pdf | cFosSpeed 13.02 build 3003 Final (Mirror)
Мне все таки удалось найти этот патч от Team Aore, попробовал на последней бете 11.05.2458 все работает, на патч касперский не жаловался, добавте на сайт !
P.S. Added RePack
Both ReadMe's (separate + in zip) of «Download 13.01.3001 Finall | OEM by GigaByte» are wrong
(error «not a qualified product» on Win10 x64).
this reg file is working over here:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
P.S. reg only needed for installation, can be reset to original values thereafter