Datacol 7.341 | 7.507 | 7.508

Datacol — It is a universal parser that can collect data from any site or file, further to process and save the result to a file, a database, or directly ship to your site.

Data collection
  • Datacol to know what data should be collected from a website, you need to create a campaign of parsing. We created and customized more than 80 campaigns for the most popular online stores, message boards, content sites, social networks, parsers, contacts, and SEO tasks. But if your device no, it is always possible to create your own or order from our experts.
  • Before the launch of the campaign set the input data — the name of the goods, price-list or links to site categories from which to put data.
  • After starting the campaign over its operation can be monitored in the “Statistics”. If everything is configured correctly, the first results will soon appear at the bottom of the program.

Data processing
  • The collected data can be further processed: to translate, to add a margin to the price of the supplier, unikalizirovat text, translate into another currency, and more. This is possible thanks to plug-ins that complement and extend the functionality of Datacol. The available plugins can be found here and here. If you need no plugin, its development can be ordered from our experts.

Export data
  • By default, the results of parsing in the base campaigns are automatically saved in EXCEL file with the same name as the campaign of parsing. You can find the file in the folder “My documents”. If necessary, in your campaign settings you can change the settings so their data format. You can send data to FTP, MySQL database, export in stream mode or save all to a CSV file of the required structure.

How to understand the setting yourself?
  • To understand the features of the program settings and to learn how to create your own campaigns of parsing will help learning lessons in Datacol and help. For your convenience, we divided them in convenient playlists for beginners and for more experienced users. There is also a separate playlists that collect videos on various aspects of the program.
  • A lot of useful information can be found on our support forum. Review the already created threads in them You will find many useful tips and recommendations for setting up campaigns and parsing sites from our experts.

If parsing errors occur
  • Error information when the program can be found in the logs. If the parsing difficulties, such as not going the right data, errors occur when you start parsing or simply you can not understand, write on the support forum. Technicians will surely help. Also independently identify and resolve the error will help this video. If you're having problems uploading images be sure to view this video. To circumvent of the website will help in this video.



OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: RUS
Medicine: Soon...
Size: 81,77 MB.
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