DivlocSoft Actual Search & Replace | Portable

Use Actual Search and Replace to find files and execute search-and-replace operations across multiple files. This useful tool is fast and easy to use and of particular value to Webmasters who need to deal with ever-changing content on their Web sites.

The powerful string search feature supports Boolean operators and displays and highlights matching strings. The even more powerful replace facility lets you insert text before or after search phrases, delete text, and replace text with spaces, in addition to standard text replacement. You can modify files one at a time or change them all with a single mouse click. Support is offered for both single and multiline entries. Options include filespec, date, and size filters; automatic backups of modified files; and full undo support.

  • This powerful tool provides search and replace operations across multiple ASCII (text, HTML etc.) files.
  • Actual Search and Replace works under Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT/XP/Server 2003/Vista/7/8/10 operation system.
  • You can find files by specifying the path, name masks, and a query. You can search documents for a phrase or several words, multiline or regular expression and use the search engines style queries.
  • Actual Search and Replace displays abstracts from the searched files and highlights the search words/phrases in them.
  • The tool allows to find files within the previous search results.
  • Once you find the documents, you can replace, insert, and delete text in them.
  • The preliminary search feature, ability to undo the operations and files backup help users to control the files modification process.
  • Files can be filtered by their size and last modification date.
  • You can save the report about the found files and detailed information about the occurrences found in them.
  • The batch replace operation allows to execute a lot of various replacements with one click.
  • Actual Search and Replace can be used also as a command line utility.



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OS: Windows 95 / 98 / Me / 2000 / NT / XP / Server 2003 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Key / Patch & RegKey by Arttomov
Size: 3,50 MB.
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