Hard_Configurator — GUI to Manage Software Restriction Policies (SRP) and harden Windows Home OS (Vista and later versions). This program is a configurator that configures Windows built-in security to harden the system. When you close Hard_Configurator it closes all its processes. The protection comes from the reconfigured Windows settings. Hard_Configurator can be seen as a Medium Integrity Level ‘Anti-exe + Whitelisting’ (via default deny SRP) + Application Reputation Service (forced SmartScreen) + Windows hardening settings (restricting vulnerable features).
Hard_Configurator makes changes in Windows Registry to accomplish the tasks enumerated below:
- Enabling Software Restriction Policies (as default-deny) in Windows Home.
- Changing SRP Security Levels, Enforcement options, and Designated File Types.
- Whitelisting files in SRP by path (also with wildcards) and by hash.
- Blocking vulnerable system executables via SRP (Bouncer black list).
- Protecting (deny execution) Writable subfolders in «C:\Windows» folder (via SRP).
- Restricting shortcut execution to some folders only (via SRP).
- Enabling Windows Defender PUA protection (via ConfigureDefender).
- Protecting MS Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader XI/DC against exploits via malicious documents.
- Enabling «Run as administrator» for MSI files.
- Disabling PowerShell script execution (Windows 7+).
- Securing PowerShell by Constrained Language mode (SRP, Windows 7+ & PowerShell 5.0+)
- Disabling Windows Script Host.
- Hiding «Run As Administrator» option in Explorer context menu.
- Forcing SmartScreen check for files without 'Mark Of The Web' (Windows 8+).
- Disabling Remote Assistance, Remote Shell, and Remote Registry.
- Disabling execution of 16-bit applications.
- Securing Shell Extensions.
- Disabling SMB protocols.
- Disabling program elevation on Standard User Account.
- Disabling Cached Logons.
- Forcing Secure Attention Sequence before User Account Control prompt.
- Filtering Windows Event Log for blocked file execution events (Nirsoft FullEventLogView).
- Filtering autoruns from the User Space, and script autoruns from anywhere (Sysinternals Autorunsc).
- Enabling&Filtering Advanced SRP logging.
- Turning ON/OFF all above restrictions.
- ConfigureDefender application to manage advanced Defender settings (ASR mitigations, Controlled Folder Access, Network Protection, etc.).
- Restoring Windows Defaults.
- Making System Restore Point.
- Saving chosen restrictions as a profile, and restoring when needed.
- Backup management for Profile Base (whitelist profiles and setting profiles).
- Choosing/changing GUI skin.
- Updating application.
- Uninstalling application (Windows defaults restored).
Features for SmartScreen
Forcing SmartScreen check can be very useful, because normally the SmartScreen Filter in Windows 8+ allows many vectors of infection listed below:A) You have got the executable file (BAT, CMD, COM, CPL, DLL, EXE, JSE, MSI, OCX, PIF, SCR and VBE) using:
- the downloader or torrent application (EagleGet, utorrent etc.);
- container format file (zip, 7z, arj, rar, etc.), with the exception of built-in Windows decompressing option for ZIP files.
- CD/DVD/Blue-ray disc;
- CD/DVD/Blue-ray disc image (iso, bin, etc.);
- non-NTFS USB storage device (FAT32 pendrive, FAT32 USB disk);
- Memory Card;
Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Freeware
Size: 33,39 MB.
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