MemInfo 4.11 | Portable
MemInfo Displays the current memory (RAM or Page File) usage of Windows in the system tray. With a small gauge graphic and the value updated in real time, MemInfo gives a fast feedback to current memory usage in Windows. Highly customizable; Choose when MemInfo should warn you about high memory usage, show physical memory or Windows page file, show free or used memory, choose the font that looks better. MemInfo features a built-in memory defragmenter to allow speed up your computer by maximizing the available free memory. To help find memory hogs, the top 10 processes can be optionally displayed in the tray menu, sorted by memory usage, with the possibility to free process memory or terminate it.
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OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Freeware
Size: 0,51 MB.
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