YouTube Music 3.7.5 | Portable | RePack by elchupacabra
- Native look & feel, aims at keeping the original interface
- Framework for custom plugins: change YouTube Music to your needs (style, content, features), enable/disable plugins in one click
Auto confirm when paused (Always Enabled): disable the «Continue Watching?» popup that pause music after a certain time
And more ...
Ad Blocker: Block all ads and tracking out of the box
Album Actions: Adds Undislike, Dislike, Like, and Unlike buttons to apply this to all songs in a playlist or album
Album Color Theme: Applies a dynamic theme and visual effects based on the album color palette
Ambient Mode: Applies a lighting effect by casting gentle colors from the video, into your screen’s background
Audio Compressor: Apply compression to audio (lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal and raises the volume of the softest parts)
Blur Navigation Bar: makes navigation bar transparent and blurry
Bypass Age Restrictions: bypass YouTube's age verification
Captions Selector: Enable captions
Compact Sidebar: Always set the sidebar in compact mode
Crossfade: Crossfade between songs
Disable Autoplay: Makes every song start in «paused» mode
Discord Rich Presence: Show your friends what you listen to with Rich Presence
Downloader: downloads MP3 directly from the interface (youtube-dl)
Equalizer: add filters to boost or cut specific range of frequencies (e.g. bass booster)
Exponential Volume: Makes the volume slider exponential so it's easier to select lower volumes
In-App Menu: gives bars a fancy, dark look
(see this post if you have problem accessing the menu after enabling this plugin and hide-menu option)
Scrobbler: Adds scrobbling support for and ListenBrainz
Lumia Stream: Adds Lumia Stream support
Lyrics Genius: Adds lyrics support for most songs
Music Together: Share a playlist with others. When the host plays a song, everyone else will hear the same song
Navigation: Next/Back navigation arrows directly integrated in the interface, like in your favorite browser
No Google Login: Remove Google login buttons and links from the interface
Notifications: Display a notification when a song starts playing (interactive notifications are available on windows)
Picture-in-picture: allows to switch the app to picture-in-picture mode
Playback Speed: Listen fast, listen slow! Adds a slider that controls song speed
Precise Volume: Control the volume precisely using mousewheel/hotkeys, with a custom hud and customizable volume steps
Shortcuts (& MPRIS): Allows setting global hotkeys for playback (play/pause/next/previous) + disable media osd by overriding media keys + enable Ctrl/CMD + F to search + enable linux mpris support for mediakeys + custom hotkeys for advanced users
Skip Disliked Song: Skips disliked songs
Skip Silences: Automatically skip silenced sections
SponsorBlock: Automatically Skips non-music parts like intro/outro or parts of music videos where the song isn't playing
Synced Lyrics: Provides synced lyrics to songs, using providers like LRClib.
Taskbar Media Control: Control playback from your Windows taskbar
TouchBar: Custom TouchBar layout for macOS
Tuna OBS: Integration with OBS's plugin Tuna
Video Quality Changer: Allows changing the video quality with a button on the video overlay
Video Toggle: Adds a button to switch between Video/Song mode. can also optionally remove the whole video tab
Visualizer: Different music visualizers

Homepage | What's New
OS: Windows 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Medicine: FreeWare
Size: 95,26 / 242,16 MB.
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