KC Softwares ApHeMo 2.20 Full
ApHeMo is a Health Monitoring analyser for the famous Apache HTTP Server.
ApHeMo makes administrators able to improve security, reliability and to easily detect attacks from hackers (scans, potential backdoors...).

ApHeMo makes administrators able to improve security, reliability and to easily detect attacks from hackers (scans, potential backdoors...).
- Automatic log analysis
- Error validation (after investiguation, spurious alert, known bug...)
- Autofilter to remove spurious alerts
- Attackers IP address detection for backtrace or correlation
- International support

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG
Medicine: FreeWare / RegKey by BTCR (New!)
Size: 3,54 MB.
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