UCheck | Portable

UCheck is an extremely powerful software that will update all your software in 2 clicks. It also provides ability to install the software you need without hassle. Keep your machine away from malware by always using the last version of your software.

It's always a pain to keep all your software updated to their latest version. Usually you need to open each software, find the «about» section, open the link to download the new version then launch it and run through the installation process manually. Most people just don't do updates, or only when they really need. But this could be very bad, because malware writers love to take advantage of software exploits to find new victims. Here comes UCheck.

UCheck is a FREE software that lists your installed programs and offer to update them all in 2 clicks. You can cherry pick the programs you want, or bulk select them for update. UCheck also offers to install new programs straight from the developers official website, either one by one or with a bulk selection.

  • Update your software in 2 clicks.
  • Optionally run bulk updates without user interaction (silent mode).
  • Verify if Windows Update is properly configured and has no pending updates.
  • Install software from our repository (with or without bulk selection).
  • Uninstall software.
  • Unlike competitors, doesn't need a starter package and monitors software already present.
  • Compatible with portable software.
  • Chooses language for you.
  • Chooses the right version for you (32/64 bits).
  • Prevents silent installation for software offering toolbars, or PUPs (optional offers).
  • Warns when installer tries to install toolbars or PUPs (optional offers).
  • Downloads straight from official websites, so that you ensure no one touches it.
  • Silent mode skips reboots.
  • More than 60+ software supported, and growing fast.
  • Ability to schedule tasks for updates at regular times.
  • Ability to cache downloads (for multiple installations).
  • Fully portable.



Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: .FreeWare
Size: 35,31 MB.
Download From Homepage
Installer | Portable x32 | Portable x64


Would really love a crack, keygen as the paid has some really nice features 
Maybe someday there will be someone who will be interested in these functions and will make it possible for everyone to activate them. For now we can only wait and hope…