Cyrobo Secure File Deleter Pro 6.13

This free tool will permanently wipe the contents of deleted files so that nobody would be able to recover them, even with the use of special tools. The contents of deleted files will be overwritten using random data. You can choose many security algorithms for data destruction. The program can write a combination of ones and zeroes, or any characters, onto any sector of your hard drive. We designed a simple, user-friendly interface, but the program is very professional and powerful with many valuable security features. There is no need to overwrite the entire free disk space, which usually takes hours. With this program, everything will be done very quickly.

Army Standards
  • Many security algorithms from the basic ones to military standards. It's not just simple deletion, it's an algorithm of destruction. Nobody will be able to track your activity. Even after deletion, there is no chance. The deleted files will be unrecoverable, so your information remains physically secure. Even powerful magnets cannot recovery anything.

Faster than others
  • Usual recovery prevention programs will wipe the entire free space on your hard disk, making all deleted files unrecoverable. This includes files deleted many years ago, even unimportant technical temporary files. But that process takes many hours because such programs work in a blind mode: they don't know anything about deleted files; they simply wipe out all free disk space. Our program will be launched at the moment of deletion when you select a file that still exists. Thus, our program knows the exact location of the file to be deleted, and it can wipe its contents very quickly. There is no need to process the entire disk. This takes just a few seconds, yet the result is the same level of security.



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OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Medicine: Activator
Size: 2,06 MB.
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