Dragonframe 5.2.7

Dragonframe Software — Begin your stop motion filmmaking journey today with the digital image capture software trusted by major motion picture studios and independent filmmakers alike.

  • Bring your animation to life. Professional on-screen tools for precise movements. Step, play, capture, repeat.

  • Compose and light the perfect shot with camera controls, test shots and advanced image review tools.

  • Import and edit multiple audio tracks. Perform dialogue track reading for multiple characters.

DMX Lighting
  • Program animated lighting with simple keyframes. Automate work lights for the animator. Simple front light / back light programming.

Motion Control
  • Use the intuitive graphical interface to program advanced camera moves.

  • Frame-based editing as simple as drag and drop. Adjust timing, reshoot sequences, and even restore deleted frames.

Drawing Tools
  • Mark the screen to guide your animation with vector-based drawing tools. Plot and preview motion paths with the increment editor.

  • Plan your scene and track your progress in the X-Sheet side panel. Add reminders, sketch motion paths and adjusting timing.

Guide Layers
  • Configure all of your composition guides, drawing layers and reference material from the Guide Layers side panel.

Live View Mag
  • Use live view magnification to punch-in on a section of video assist image. (Canon, Nikon, Olympus and Fujifilm.)

Waveform Views
  • View the mixed audio waveform in the Timeline or X-Sheet, so you can see what’s coming next while you are animating.

Reference Track Audio
  • Use the audio from a reference movie within the audio workspace. View the video as you scrub through the audio and perform track readings.

  • Audio stays locked to your animation at the project frame rate. If you review your animation at a different speed, the audio adjusts to stay synced

Custom Face Sets
  • Create your own face set as a multi-layered Photoshop file. Add groups for mouth, eyes, ears, or whatever parts you need.

Audio HUD
  • View character dialogue or face sets while animating, in a configurable heads-up display.

  • Program up to 512 lights with the new DDMX-512 (or upgraded DDMX-S2)

Light Profiles
  • Create custom light profiles to match DMX values to light output.

Bash Light
  • Program a work light to use while animating.

  • Enter the jogpad mode to get large text and a simple keypad interface so that you can step away from the computer and get near your rig and set.

  • When used with the DMC-16 or DMC+ and a motion control crane, such as the Volo, Dragonframe can provide virtual cartesian axes.

3D Import/Export
  • Transfer camera moves between Dragonframe and Maya, Kuper, or other 3D software.

  • Add extra smoothing of acceleration or deceleration with the new “feathering” tool.

  • Create motion paths by marking positions you want to hit, then adjusting keyframes to move through them.



OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: License Generator & Activator by countryboy
Size: 2,94 MB.
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