UDI-Magic 9.0 Release 1.4 Professional | Portable

udiMagic is a powerful Tally Import utility. It converts data from Excel to XML and then imports it in Tally, quickly and easily. udiMagic software comes with several predefined Standard excel formats. It supports GST features, cash and trade discount, multiple bill-references, multiple cost categories, cost centres and includes wide ranges of excel templates.

An Excel to Tally Converter is a software that converts excel data into Tally XML format and imports it into Tally.ERP 9. Most of these utilities come with some predefined Excel templates. You have to simply put your data in those formats and import it into Tally. A list of such tools developed by 3rd parties developers or Tally Integrators is available here. In addition, there are some TDL [Tally add-on] modules available at Tally shop. Currently, both online and offline converters are available each having its own pros and cons. Choosing the right tool can be a tough task, but since most of the vendors provide a free trial version with some restrictions, you can download and check which utility is best suited for your requirements and meets your budget. Another important consideration would be implementation of GST features and maintaining compatibility with latest Tally for GST releases.

  • Import data from multiple excel sheets with one click.
  • Import one debit / one credit vouchers entry.
  • Import multiple debits / credits vouchers entry.
  • Auto creates stock items from vouchers entries list.
  • Auto creates ledgers from vouchers entries list.
  • Import stock items with HSN / SAC / GST taxes.
  • Import stock groups with HSN / SAC / GST taxes.
  • Import vouchers with multiple cost categories and cost centres.
  • Import vouchers with multiple bill-by-bill references.
  • Import Receipt, Payment, Journal, Contra.
  • Import Sales, Sales Order, Delivery Note
  • Import Purchase, Purchase Order, Receipt Note
  • Import Debit Note, Credit Note, Stock Journal, Physical Stock Journal
  • Import Payroll Attendance
  • Import multi-linugal data (English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Arabic etc)
  • Import vouchers with or without creating ledgers / stock items.

Exclusive Features
  • Import data from one Excel file into Multiple Companies in Tally
  • Import data from multiple Excel files into Single Company in Tally



Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Crack
Size: 1,36? 6,16 MB.
Download From Homepage:
Download Only Medicine:
UploadOcean.com | DoUploads.com
Download Portable:
UploadOcean.com | DoUploads.com

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