Atomic Scribbler 6.0 | Portable

While some creative writers are satisfied with their classical text tools, like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer, others are probably interested in a software solution with features more focused on storytelling. Atomic Scribbler is such a program. Adopting the clear-cut and familiar look of Microsoft Word, the application comes bundled with functions specially designed for novelists and short story writers when it comes to building a scene, researching, and taking notes.

Scene by Scene
  • No more 100,000 word Microsoft documents. Write your novel one scene or one chapter at a time. Drag and drop scenes inside your Document tree until it’s just the way you want it.
Research & Fragments
  • Your scene or chapter notes right beside you as you write. Changed your mind about a scene? Move it to Fragments where it’s saved for later. Store images, PDFs, bookmarks to websites — all in a handy Research section.
Easy Backups, Easy Exports, Easy Imports
  • Automatic backups, automatic saving. Export your novel to a single Word document with one click. Import your documents in seconds. You control your work at all times.

Key Features
Text editor for storytelling with a familiar look
  • It has a sample project to demonstrate what it can do. The main window is split into three important tabs for managing project details, making actions, as well as using word processor features.
  • Multiple tabs are supported, so you can keep multiple parts of the project opened at the same time to easily navigate them. You can add new scenes and organize them into multiple folders, write notes on the right side of the window while keeping the current scene visible, take notes for the entire project, and create as many chapters as necessary.
Build scenes, research, take notes, and more
  • The key difference between «Document» and «Fragments» is that fragments are designed to contain parts of the story you're not sure of yet but don't wish to eliminate either. Instead, sections of the document can be extracted and moved to fragments for later revisiting using drag and drop. This is only an example, however, since you can use the «Document» and «Fragments» trees in any way you like. They simply ensure that pieces of information can be seamlessly transferred back and forth without copying and pasting.
  • The «Research» section is similar to the first two, except that it should contain only ideas and facts for the story, not the story itself. It can be populated with scenes, notes, folders, images, bookmarks and files. For instance, external text documents can be imported as files, in order to add them to the story as separate pages.
Fun text editor tailored for creative writers
  • Atomic Scribbler has a search function that can be extended to the current tree only or entire project, along with word counters for the current scene and entire project. You can create backups and export the project as a single document (DOCX, RTF, TXT, ODT, DOC), as well as use standard word processing tools, like text alignment, font type and style, tables, inline pictures, hyperlinks, and page color.
  • Extensive help documentation is available online. Atomic Scribbler ran smoothly in our tests. It's incredibly easy and fun to use, ideal for creative writers looking for something made just for them. We're looking forward to new features.



Homepage | Changelog
OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (x86-x64)
Language: ENG
Medicine: Waiting…
Size: 0,53 / 68,92 MB.
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