Stardock Start11 2.1.1 Final | RePack by Diakov | RePack by xetrin

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Start11 is a Start menu replacement that lets you bring multiple different styles to Windows 10 and 11.

Take complete control of your desktop with Start11. With multiple styles that restore classic Start menu layouts to our all-new designs like Pro and Launcher, you can make your Start experience personalized to your exact preferences.
RePack by Diakov
  • Type: Installation.
  • Languages: ML.
  • Cut: nothing.
  • Activation: conducted (diakov).
  • Quiet installation: /S

RePack by xetrin
  • Medicine: JiNSER @ AMPED, skrimix.
  • Implemented language selection when installing the program.
  • Nothing is cut.
  • Backup settings when uninstalling the program.
  • Picking up settings file SDStart.reg if it is located next to the installer.
  • Implemented an update of an already installed program (Works only with my repacks starting from version 1.46).

Start keys in quiet mode

  • Very silent installation: /VERYSILENT
  • Don't create shortcut(s) in the start menu: /NSSB
  • Don't create shortcut(s) on desktop: /NSD
  • Pin shortcut(s) to taskbar: /PSTTB
  • Standard installation: /INSTALLER
  • Program update: /UPDATE
  • Export settings to desktop: /BS
  • Delete program settings: /DS

Example Installation

Stardock_Start11_v*_RePack_by_xetrin.exe /INSTALLER /LANG=RUS /PSTTB /VERYSILENT (where * is the repack version)

Example  Uninstallation
for /f «skip=2 tokens=2*» %%a in ('Reg Query
«HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Stardock Start11_is1» /v UninstallString 2^> nul') do start "" /wait %%b /BS /DS /VERYSILENT


Homepage | Changelog | Changelog Beta
OS: Windows 10 / 11 (x86-x64)
Language: ML / ENG / RUS
Medicine: Crack — Thanks to JeepWillys58 for sharing this information / Patch by AMPED / Patch v1.5 by Jasi2169 (DC 12.12.2023)
Size: 2,25 MB.
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Installer | Installer Beta
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Reasons for raising the release: Added RePack

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