7-Zip 24.09 Final | Portable | Theme Manager | 7-Zip Extra | 7-Zip ZS 24.09 v1.5.7 Release 1 | RePack by D!akov

7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio. Usually, 7-Zip compresses to 7z format 30-70% better than to zip format. High compression ratio in new 7z format with LZMA compression. Supported formats — Packing / unpacking: 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR. Unpacking only: 7z, ZIP, RAR, GZIP, GZ, BZIP2, BZ2, TAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, LHA, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB, CPIO, DMG, FAT, HFS, LZMA, NTFS, SPLIT, SWM, TAZ, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, TPZ, VHD, XAR, XZ, Z and NSIS. For ZIP and GZIP formats, 7-Zip provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip. Self-extracting capability for 7z format. Integration with Windows Shell. Powerful File Manager. Localizations for 70 languages.
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PowerArchiver 2021 20.00.62 | Pro | Toolbox | Portable | RePack by D!akov

PowerArchiver — Full PowerArchiver with all the compression and encryption features and set of useful tools for your archives. Support for new PA format. Create ZIP, ZIPX, PA, 7z, TAR/GZ/BZ2, CAB, ISO, open 60+ formats. Full Windows 7/8 and 10 support with UAC elevation and VSS! FIPS 140-2. Multicore compression and fastest RAR extraction. Fastest ZIP/ZIPX engine. Most advanced .PA format!
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