AlomWare Toolbox Portable

AlomWare Toolbox works both as a powerful productivity-boosting tool and a PC tweaking utility. With all its tools and options, this application is by excellence a viable assistant for daily office use, allowing you to save both time and effort when carrying out routine tasks. From taking notes and logging appointments to automating tasks, creating file backups or monitoring folders, this application can do it all for you.
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ExtraDisks 25.2.1 Home

ExtraDisks is a suite of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer – physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided into additional partitions. The program contains tools for creating Encrypted disks, Virtual disks based on files and Virtual disks based on folders. The current version consists of the following tools: Encrypted Disks, Virtual Disks, Folder Disks, Startup Manager, System Tweaker.
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Windows 10 Bloat Remover and Tweaker 5.0 Portable

Windows 10 Bloat Remover and Tweaker is a tool designed to help you remove bloatware and disable certain features that usually take up space and sometimes affect the overall functionality of the system. The application is a CLI tool and hence, does not require installation. In case you want to configure it, then you can do so from the JSON file created after the first launch.
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Ultimate Windows Tweaker Portable 4.8 for Windows 10 | 5.1 for Windows 11

The most popular tweaking software, Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 adds several new tweaks for the new operating system. Those of you who have upgraded to Windows 10, would definitely want to use it to judiciously tweak your Windows 10 and personalize your computing experience. With judicious tweaking, it can make your system faster, more stable, personal and more secure with just a few mouse clicks.
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