VovSoft Website Spell Checker 1.3 | Portable

Have a website, but no budget to hire a copy editor? Vovsoft Website Spell Checker to the rescue. The spell checker will comb through your site, collecting a list of all the misspelled words and which pages they occurred on.
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Registration of visitors on the site

Hello! For a long time, due to employment at the main job, I didn’t have enough time to improve the site design and eliminate errors in the site’s work. In particular, due to the inability of visitors to notify me about the problem with registering on the site (the captcha version was outdated and did not work), I could not fix this error. Now everything is fixed and registration on the site is open. Welcome!
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SiteMonitor Enterprise 4.03

SiteMonitor Enterprise is easy to install and configure. You can install it on any windows machine as long as it has internet connectivity. You can view the status of the monitored websites/hosts from anywhere since SiteMonitor Enterprise has it’s own web interface. On failure SiteMonitor Enterprise will send an Email and/or an SMS message.
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