Imagenomic Portraiture 4.5 Build 4501 for Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom

Portraiture for Photoshop eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by-pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching.
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Lumenzia 11.8.2

Luminosity masks allow you to create gorgeous and realistic edits in Photoshop. Lumenzia allows you to use use them quickly and easily. Its advanced JavaScript engine handles all the luminosity masking complexity for you in the background, so all you need to think about is making beautiful images.
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Video Copilot Element 3D 2.2.3 Build 2192

ELEMENT 3D — Advanced 3D Object & Particle Render Engine. High Performance After Effects" Plug-in for creating Motion Design & Visual FX!
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Retouch4me Portrait Volumes 1.019 | Portable

Retouch4me Portrait Volumes — Add new dimension to your portraits. Retouch4me Portrait Volumes automatically enhances the sense of depth in portraits. It makes eyes brighter, emphasizes lips, nose and draws the oval of the face. Adding volume to a portraits by hand is not an easy task, even for an experienced retoucher. Retouch4me Portrait Volumes is great for portraits with even lighting.
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