Security suite for irreversibly removing sensitive data and traces from various storage media. Many programs store temporary files on the hard disk for optimization and further processing. Just like the delete function of Windows, this data is not completely removed and can also be restored by other programs for evaluation. With this data you can draw conclusions about used files and visited websites. Even more dramatic is that complete documents, videos and pictures can be restored.
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ArmorTools 25.3.1 Home | Professional

ArmorTools is a set of tools that expands the capabilities of the MS Windows operating system in the field of security and protection of user confidential information. ArmorTools allows you to create secure virtual disks encrypted using AES128/AES256 algorithms, encrypt files and folder contents using any file as a password. ArmorTools removes traces of the user's work on the computer, clears the history of visiting sites, deletes confidential information without the possibility of recovery. It also has a set of additional settings for the MS Windows operating system. ArmorTools contains the following tools: Extra Disks, File Shredder, File Encryptor, Objects Eraser, System Tweaker.
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