Hedge OffShoot

Fast, verified data transfers with metadata management for offload and ingest. Formerly known as Hedge, OffShoot is your ideal companion when managing media.
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Genie Backup Manager 9.0.567.891 Home | Pro | Server

Genie Backup Manager Home Edition is a long-established consumer-level backup program that has always impressed me with its clarity, power, and well-chosen range of genuinely useful features. The previous version won our Editors' Choice award, and the latest one comes tantalizingly close to winning it again. The only thing that holds it back is its inability to create a bootable rescue disk on a USB flash drive. It still creates bootable rescue disks only on optical disks, and the era when virtually every computer had an optical drive is over. If you can lie with this one minor limitation, then Genie Backup Manager is a fast, efficient, and beautifully designed application for saving and restoring data.
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