Teorex FolderIco 8.1.3 | Portable

FolderIco — Customize Folder Icon and Color in One Click! Teorex Folderico — program to change the display icon folder, if necessary, it can be easy to find, among others. In contrast to the standard operating system capabilities, Folderico can be applied to various styles folder. Access to the program's functionality through Explorer context menu. Maybe change the color of the folder and its image by selecting from a list predostavlemogo. The program does not take up much space and is easy to use.
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Teorex Inpaint 11.0.1 | Teorex Batch Inpaint 2.2 | Portable

Inpaint will magically fill the selected area with intelligently-generated textures pulled from the surrounding image data. Batch Inpaint is a batch version of Inpaint – photo processing and retouching tool. While removing an unwanted object from a photo with Inpaint is easy, it may still consume a lot of time if you have a whole bunch of pictures to process.
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