Winstep Nexus 25.2 | Ultimate | RePack by Diakov

- Xenocyde
Even though it does not see the license from time to time, all the features are still available, so I guess this is some bug reported by the Nexus interface. It says Nexus Ultimate is shareware and can be tried for 30 days, but Ultimate does not have a trial version, there's only a paid version.
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Winstep Nexus 25.2 | Ultimate | RePack by Diakov

- Xenocyde
License keeps deactivating after 1-2 hours from installation. I blocked all outbound connections to all the executables from the Nexus folder, but this does not stop license to deactivate. Any idea how to stop the deactivation?
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Winstep Xtreme 20.4 | RePack by D!akov

- Xenocyde
Ah yes, installer details say it's 22.7. Maybe it would be a good idea to update the title of the post to reflect that this is version 22.7 instead of 20.10.
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Winstep Xtreme 20.4 | RePack by D!akov

- Xenocyde
Ya but is the installer still version 20.10 or is it the new 22.7 one?
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Winstep Xtreme 20.4 | RePack by D!akov

- Xenocyde
Were the links updated with the latest 22.7 version? It's not clear from the description.
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